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  • 51.
    Abdulrahman, Mawj
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Work.
    Dahl, Thea
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Work.
    "Ett tillfälligt andrum för svenskt flyktingmottagande'': En kritisk diskursanalys om Sveriges asyllagstiftning mellan 2015–2021 2020Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The idea of this study is based on the legislative process of the Swedish temporary asylum law. Due to an increasing number of request for asylum in 2015, the parliament appointed a temporary asylum law to create a more restrictive migration policy. This measure was criticized by several parliamentary committees which were emphasising different negative aspects that could possibly affect the refugees. The government responded to the critics by referring to the EU minimum level and by comparison with other EU countries. In 2019 the parliament decided to extend the temporary law even though the number of asylum seekers had decreased. The main argument for this extension was to prevent an increasing amount of asylum seekers as soon as the migration policy in Sweden were to become more generous again. Previous research has shown that not long after the first proposition of the temporary asylum law the law was implemented, indicating a rushed decision made by the Swedish parliament.

    Thus is our purpose with this study to examine the political negotiations of the legislative process regarding the temporary asylum law and its extension. In addition to that the aim of the study is also to research if the extension of the law contributed to different discourses. Through a critical discourse analysis our main conclusion is that the underlying negotiations of the legislative process cover four main areas: economy and resources, EU, the asylum system and consequences. Within each field we discovered discourses that could be applicable in both the legislative process of 2016 and in the process of extension 2019. Nevertheless the result of the analysis also presented two discourses that became important parts in relation to the extension. These discourses were convention on the rights of the child and EU. Even though these discourses could be found in the first legislative process, they reach a remarkably higher state of importance in the extension of the asylum law and therefore are appointed as new since they did not held the same level of relevance before.

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  • 52.
    Abedali, Besma
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Work.
    Karlstrand, Moa
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Work.
    ”Man ska vara den man är, men man blir lite större”: En kvalitativ studie om hur boendepersonal på HVB för ensamkommande barn förstår och omsätter begreppet ”integration”2018Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The aim of this study was to examine the concept of “integration” within residential care homes for unaccompanied children. More specifically its aim was to find out how the social workers themselves within residential care homes for unaccompanied children understand the concept of integration and how they work for it. The study was based on a qualitative semi-structured interviews with seven social workers within four residential care homes for unaccompanied children. Six themes were identified that seemed to play a role in the discussions about integration: development-acceptance, learning process, communication & relationships, process, personality and common sense. The analysis was based on previous research in the field and the theory of action by Pierre Bourdieu called practical reason. As a conclusion the first three themes can be seen as an understanding of the concept of “integration”. The last three themes exemplify the practical integration work. Despite the lack of regulatory documents, the social workers show a common understanding of the concept and a similar implementation which can be explained by a dominant implicit doxa within the field.

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    "Man ska vara den man är, men man blir lite större"
  • 53.
    Abegaz Brandt, Elsabet
    Malmö University, Faculty of Health and Society (HS).
    Belysning av tystnaden kring sexualitet: En litteraturstudie om fysiska funktionsnedsättningar & sexualitet2024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The aim of this study was to research how sexuality is managed within the Swedish care system, LSS, for people with physical disabilities. A literature review has been conducted, with the purpose of highlighting aspects that may affect the possibility to express sexuality for people with physical disabilities. Furthermore, the purpose of this study was to investigate how sexuality is handled within the Swedish care system. The reason for aforementioned aspects have been to produce an understanding of functional as well as not functional aspects. The approach used in the study is social constructivism. To enhance the understanding of the approach two theories were applied: crip theory and sexual scripts. Results are presented in a series of themes that emerged during the processing of the empirical material. The results showed a lack of knowledge and a culture of silence on the subject of sexuality and physical disabilities. Furthermore, the results showed a de-sexualisation of people with disabilities, that arises from stigma, norms and morals. These aspects affected both professionals and people with disabilities within the Swedish LSS care system. From the empiric material it appeared that the obstacles stem from a lack of policies regarding how to approach sexuality, as well as norms and morals affecting both professional's decisions and management.

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  • 54. Abellan, A.
    et al.
    Perez, J.
    Pujol, R.
    Sundstrom, G.
    Jegermalm, Magnus
    Dalarna University, School of Education, Health and Social Studies, Social Work.
    Malmberg, B.
    Partner care, gender equality, and ageing in Spain and Sweden2017In: International Journal of Ageing and Later Life, E-ISSN 1652-8670, Vol. 11, no 1, p. 69-89Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    We used national surveys to study how older persons’ changing household patterns influence the gender balance of caregiving in two countries with distinct household structures and cultures, Spain and Sweden. In both countries, men and women provide care equally often for their partner in couple-only households. This has become the most common household type among older persons in Spain and prevails altogether in Sweden. This challenges the traditional dominance of young or middle-aged women as primary caregivers in Spain. In Sweden, many caregivers are old themselves. We focus attention to partners as caregivers and the consequences of changing household structures for caregiving, which may be on the way to gender equality in both countries, with implications for families and for the public services.

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  • 55.
    Abelli, Annika
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Work.
    Promotionsarbete med unga i förorten: - En kvalitativ fallstudie av RGRA, Rörelsen gatans röst & ansikte2013Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This studie explores how a promotive youth movement that aims to activate adolescents in economically and socially exposed areas, can affect the youth’s participation in society and oppose their experience of stigmatization. The youth movement, whom is being studied, uses urban art expressions as a mean to engage and motivate the adolescents. The empirism has mostly been collected by a limited participatory observation, and through qualitative interviews with staff and adolescents in the movement. The result has been analyzed through Pierre Bourdieus field theory. To summarise, field theory consists in the hypothesis that the individual is socialized in to his or her way of thinking and being (habitus), based on in which circumstances the individual is raised (in which field). Habitus affects the choices the individual makes throughout life. An individuals habitus is affected by three types of capital, which Bourdieu has named economical-, social-, and cultural capital. This essay analyzes how the promotive youth movement contributes to the adolescent’s social- and cultural capital. I have found that this largely happens by giving the adolescents different types of tools to be seen and heard, based on the concept of hip hop as a political instrument. The most prominent tool in the everyday activities is the opportunity to record music in a professional studio. Other tools that are used are the opportunity to host the movements own radio show, participate in the arranging of different types of events, and such. I have also found that the support from an extra adult and the connection within the movement are central providers of social capital.

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  • 56.
    Abens, Liene
    et al.
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Sociology.
    Hellström, Karin
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Sociology.
    Barnavårdsutredningar av ensamkommande barn: En kvalitativ studie av socialsekreterares erfarenheter2015Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Bakgrund: Det utredningsverktyg som idag används vid barnavårdsutredningar är verktyget Barns behov i centrum (BBIC), ett verktyg som är anpassat till att stötta nätverk som finns i barnets närhet, vanligtvis familjen, som socialt system runt barnet. För ensamkommande barn däremot, lyser dessa sociala nätverk med sin frånvaro. Ensamkommande barn till Sverige är en idag ökande grupp av människor i samhället vilket har skapat ett behov av väl anpassade verktyg i utredningsarbetet för att identifiera, strukturera, och utreda insatser för dessa grupper, inom ramen för det sociala arbetet.

    Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka socialsekreterares erfarenheter av det sociala utredningarbetet av ensamkommande barn till Sverige.

    Metod: För att uppnå studiens syfte har nio semi-strukturerade intervjuer med socialsekreterare i Mellansverige genomförts och analyserats med en hermeneutisk deduktiv tolkningsmetod.

    Resultat: Resultatet visar på svårigheter i det praktiska sociala arbetet kring ensamkommande barn enligt socialsekreterares erfarenheter. Svårigheter beskrevs som att (i) utredningsverktygen inte var anpassade till uppgiften, (ii) att det fanns bristande riktlinjer kring arbetets utförande, (iii) att det kunde finnas en misstro från barnens sida gentemot myndigheter, (iv) att utreda inom den lagstadgade tidsramen, samt (v) att det kunde finnas bristande resurser för arbetets genomförande. Socialsekreterarna hade även erfarenhet av stå ensamma i att finna lösningar på dessa brister. Erfarenheterna analyseras utifrån Bronfenbrenners utvecklingsekologiska modell.

    Slutsatser: Utformningen av BBIC-verktyget kan möjligtvis skapa svårigheter i socialsekreterares utredningsarbete av ensamkommande barn, då ensamkommande barn kan ha en annan utvecklingsekologi än vad BBIC förutsätter.

    Implikationer för det sociala arbetet: En anpassning av BBIC-verktyget efter de särskilda omständigheter och behov som gäller för ensamkommande barn i Sverige kan vara till fördel för framtida socialt arbete. Vidare forskning bör göras inom området utredningsarbetet av barn som lever i en utvecklingsekologi skild från den BBIC förutsätter. 

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  • 57.
    Abic, Leyla
    et al.
    Örebro University, School of Law, Psychology and Social Work.
    Caliskan, Shilan
    Örebro University, School of Law, Psychology and Social Work.
    En studie om kurdiska bröders relation till sina systrar: -"Kanske vara en broder som hon kan prata med och inte ses som en beskyddare..."2013Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
  • 58.
    Abid, Ahmed
    et al.
    Örebro University, School of Law, Psychology and Social Work.
    Mårtensson, Ida
    Örebro University, School of Law, Psychology and Social Work.
    Unga vuxnas erfarenhet av vårdnadstvist i barndomen: En kvalitativ studie kring separationens och vårdnadstvistens inverkan på samlevnadsfrågor2012Independent thesis Basic level (university diploma), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The purpose of the essay is to examine whether, and if so how, young adults' experiences of separation and contested custody between parents during childhood influenced their attitudes to coexistence issues. Further, the intention is to seek answers to questions regarding: the best interests of the child, attitudes towards relationships, separation and marriage, as well as the current relationship to the parents. The interpretative framework adopted to interpret and understand the empirical material is based on the initial provisions under chapter 6, some risks with the social workers' approach, the children's sense of responsibility, loyalty and concealment, the child’s survival strategies as well as cognitive dissonance theory.  These are considered effective to highlight young adults' experiences in childhood and their attitudes to coexistence issues. A qualitative method was applied to obtain the empirical material. Five female respondents were interviewed using a semi-structured interview guide. The essay’s findings indicate that the principle of the child’s best interests is not always applicable for the young adults during childhood. Their attitude towards relationships, separation and marriage is characterized by an open attitude to different family constellations with good qualities, positive and negative consequences of their parents' separation and a desire to get married in the future. The relationship today remains good with one parent, while the relationship with the other parent differs.

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  • 59.
    Abiib, Ahmed
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Work.
    Skapandet av motståndskraftiga samhällen: En fallstudie om hur Jönköpings kommun arbetar för att motverka våldsbejakande extremism och radikalisering2019Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Syftet med studien har varit att belysa hur samverkande lokala aktörer skildrar arbetet med att motverka våldsbejakande extremism och radikalisering på lokal nivå. I ett försök att besvara studiens syfte har studien utgått från frågeställningarna vilka faktorer identifierarde lokala aktörerna som viktiga i arbetet för att motverka våldsbejakande extremism och radikalisering i Jönköping, samt vilka dilemman beskriver de lokala aktörerna i det förebyggande arbetet mot våldsbejakande extremism och radikalisering i Jönköping? För att besvara studiens syfte utfördes en fallstudie riktad mot Jönköpings kommun, där tolv semi-strukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med samverkande lokala aktörer. Intervjuerna gav respondenterna möjlighet att ge sina professionella utsagor om vilka faktorer och aktörer som bidrar till möjligheter eller dilemman. Som analysredskap användes tematisk analys för att identifiera centrala teman utifrån respondenternas utsagor.

    Studiens empiriska fynd visar att motverkandet av våldsbejakande extremism och radikalisering är komplext. Studiens respondenter beskriver att ett proaktivt områdesarbete samt en ökad kunskapsnivå hos första linjens aktörer avseende företeelserna som viktiga faktorer i skapandet av lokal motståndskraft. Dock belyser respondenterna en utmaning i att utvärdera effekten av det förebyggande arbetet i Jönköpings kommun och respondenterna uttrycker även att ovissheten avseende delgivning av känslig information mellan olika lokala aktörer som ett hinder för det förebyggande arbetet i Jönköpings kommun.

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    Skapandet av motståndskraftiga samhällen
  • 60.
    Abiib, Ahmed
    et al.
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Work.
    Johansson Garellick, Filip
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Work.
    Haines Gärding, Mikael
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Work.
    Pojkar och Mäns heder - Finns den?: En kvalitativ studie om mäns utsatthet i hedersrelaterade förhållanden.2016Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
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    Pojkar och Mäns Heder - Finns den?
  • 61.
    Abildgaard, Johan Simonsen
    et al.
    Department of Organization, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark; The National Research Centre for the Working Environment, Denmark.
    Tafvelin, Susanne
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Psychology.
    Christensen, Marit
    Department of Psychology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway.
    Special issue editorial: new perspectives on workplace interventions2023In: Scandinavian Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, E-ISSN 2002-2867, Vol. 8, no 1, article id 12Article in journal (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The aim of the current special issue is to promote and foster development, debate, and knowledge of workplace Interventions. It is fitting that SJWOP, being a Scandinavian journal, has taken on the task of foregrounding intervention research. Scandinavian work and organizational psychologists have since the late 1990’s been at the forefront of the development of research into organizational interventions, for example by promoting a focus on not only effect, but also on process evaluation. This tradition has been kept alive by new generations of Scandinavian researcher who share the ideals of increasing our knowledge about the working mechanisms of interventions. But organizational interventions have proven to be much broader than just participatory interventions, and the current special issue contains a range of intervention approaches and methodological approaches. The papers in the special issue each present different areas and approaches in advancing our knowledge about interventions. We are pleased to publish both conceptual papers on evaluation and new forms of intervention as well as evaluations of interventions expanding our methodological toolbox.

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  • 62.
    Ablouh, Nawal
    et al.
    Örebro University, School of Law, Psychology and Social Work.
    Chowdhury, Nadia
    Örebro University, School of Law, Psychology and Social Work.
    Att mötas någonstans mellan maktutövande och maktlöshet: En kartläggning av behandlingsmodeller, teoretiska antaganden samt behandlingseffekter för våldsutövande män i nära relationer.2012Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The purpose of this study is to identify which treatment models that are available for men who use violence against women in intimate relationships and the effects of the most commonly used treatment interventions. The further aim is to examine the theoretical assumptions and processing content of treatment models. The present study was conducted as a literature review where knowledge about treatment models for violent men in intimate relationships are compiled. Our results demonstrate that the treatment models that are most commonly used are Emerge, The Duluth Model, Change and ATV (Alternatives to Violence). Evaluations show that most treatment models exhibit small but significant effects and recurrence of violent crime decreases in the short term. Research highlights, however problems about the difficulties associated with evaluating treatment programs.

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  • 63.
    Abobaker, Amona
    et al.
    Ersta Sköndal University College, Department of Social Work.
    Solak, Hülya
    Ersta Sköndal University College, Department of Social Work.
    Mäns våld mot kvinnor: en kvalitativ studie om våldsformer och förklaringsmodeller bakom våldet utfört av etniskt svenska män och invandrarmän2010Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
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  • 64.
    Abou Abboud, Anna
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Pedagogy and Learning.
    Youth workers experiences of how adolescence in the suburbs can be included in society2020Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The purpose of the study is to increase knowledge about leisure leaders' experiences of and opportunities to counteract exclusion and crime among young people in socially disadvantaged suburban areas, and what risk and protection factors they perceive to be important for exclusion and crime. The study is of a qualitative method based on hermeneutic theory of science. Four interviews were conducted with leisure leaders divided into three leisure centers. The correspondents consisted of three men and a woman of different ages and with varying work experience and varying ethnicities. The intention with the correspondents and the choice of a semi-structured interview guide was to gain an increased perspective on the chosen topic. The results indicate that the various systems in Bronfenbrenner's ecological system theory have a strong impact on young people in socially disadvantaged areas. The different system theories have protective and risk factors for the youth.

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    Fritidsledares erfarenheter om hur ungdomar i förorten kan inkluderas i samhället
  • 65.
    Abou-Khadra, Rana
    Malmö University, Faculty of Health and Society (HS).
    Faktorer som påverkar upplevelsen av identitet för vuxna personer med autismspektrumtillstånd: En kartläggande litteraturöversikt2024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Individuals with autism spectrum disorder can experience various disabilities. These disabilities may result in the human rights for individuals with autism spectrum disorder not being met like everyone else. Each individual develops and builds their identity based on various factors that have influenced them throughout their lives. It can be important to understand how different factors can affect the experience of identity for individuals with autism spectrum disorder, in order to create an inclusive society that upholds human rights. The purpose of this literature review is to examine existing research that highlights various factors that can affect the experiences of identity for adults with autism spectrum disorder. This study is based on a structured mapping literature review inspired by a systematic literature review. All 18 final studies included in this literature review were thematized according to Braun and Clarke (2006). Four main themes were identified: Power and Balance, Stigma and Stereotypes, Significaticance of Diagnosis and Acceptance of Diagnosis. The results show that stigma is a significant factor that affects the experiences of identity for individuals with autism spectrum disorder. Stigma impacted the experience of identity by causing, among other things, exclusion, negative self-perception and a feeling of being different. For future research, it would be relevant to investigate various interventions that society could implement to reduce the stigmatization of individuals with autism spectrum disorder. 

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  • 66.
    Aboutakah, Amna
    et al.
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Pedagogy and Sociology.
    Shaat, Säloa
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Pedagogy and Sociology.
    ''I Sverige har vi inte dukar på huvudet, de ska finnas på bord'': En kvalitativ studie om invandrarungdomars möte med rasism2015Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    In this study, we examine the everyday experiences immigrant youths from two youth activities in the suburb have about racism. To do this, we focused on two main areas, first how everyday racism inherent in young people's lives, and secondly how they deal with their experiences of racism. To be able to examine their experience have we done a qualitative research approach used by semi-structured interviews on seven young immigrants from the suburb. Our meta-theoretical perspective has been social-constructionism, with post-colonialism as the main theoretical basis. According to this we use the concepts ''the Other'' and stereotyping, which are applied to the material. The material has been encoded, thematized, categorized and analyzed on the basis of the above theoretical perspectives.

    Concluding remarks is that the racial story along with colonial values today characterize and affects the life of the young people living in the suburbs in a tangible way. This is mainly expressed through a perceived differentness and inequality between those who are racialized and those which are considered as the norm in society. That was depicted through two different forms, first through an experience of being categorized as '' the other '' and secondly by judged by stereotypes. These forms was actualized by the remains of the racial-doctrine, where the slave, and the animals were clearly visible, and also by a stereotyping by attributes like the beard, shawl, and the place suburb, which the result show that resulted in that young people is being regarded as eg suicide bombers, terrorists, and gangsters. Moreover, the results also show that the way to deal with racism was varied, but we have been able to categorize them in three main strategies: to try stay in safe areas, to stay away from racism in different ways (avoiding, removing, negotiating, adaptation), and to resist through group activities. Finally, we problemized and discusses how the immigrant youth experiences of racism directly or indirectly leads to social exclusion.

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  • 67.
    Abraha, Senait
    et al.
    Södertörn University, School of Social Sciences, Social Work.
    Mengesha, Soliana
    Södertörn University, School of Social Sciences, Social Work.
    Ensamhet bland äldre: En systematisk forskningsöversikt om riskfaktorer bakom upplevelsen av ensamhet2022Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The purpose of this study was to investigate which risk factors are behind involuntary loneliness among the elderly and how the risk factors can be counteracted with the help of protective factors. The study was carried out with a systematic research overview where we compiled previous research on the chosen subject area and thematized the work using content analysis. The theories we chose to start from to analyze the results are the activity theory by Lars Tornstam (2005) and the SOC model by Baltes Baltes (1990). The results showed that there were both individual and structural factors that increased the risk of the elderly experiencing existential, social, and emotional loneliness. At the individual level̊, the results showed that physical and mental illness, loss of partner or close friends, and loss of physical and mental abilities can be risk factors for experiencing loneliness. At the societal level, the results showed that low socio-economic status and the feeling of powerlessness can increase the risk of loneliness among the elderly. The results also showed that many of the risk factors can act as protective factors, such as health and structural risk factors, good physical and mental health and high socio-economic status are protective factors against loneliness among the elderly. The risk factors for loneliness among the elderly can be countered if the elderly are allowed to maintain successful aging and an active life adapted to their abilities.

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  • 68.
    Abraham, Daniella
    et al.
    Jönköping University, School of Health and Welfare, HHJ, Dep. of Social Work.
    Moayed Babke, Mariana
    Jönköping University, School of Health and Welfare, HHJ, Dep. of Social Work.
    Varför stannar hon?: En kvalitativ studie av kvarhållande mekanismer i biografiska skildringar av kvinnors erfarenheter av mäns våld i nära relation2019Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
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  • 69.
    Abraham, Devora
    et al.
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Psychology and Social Work.
    Hoppstadius, Ida
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Psychology and Social Work.
    Daphne-programmet - En systematisk litteraturöversikt av EU:s interventionsprogram för att minska våld mot kvinnor inom EU2024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
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  • 70.
    Abrahamson, Maria
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Centre for Social Research on Alcohol and Drugs (SoRAD).
    Alkohol och mötet mellan unga kvinnor och män2003In: Nordisk Alkohol- og narkotikatidsskrift (NAT), ISSN 1455-0725, E-ISSN 1458-6126, Vol. 20, no 4, p. 227-239Article in journal (Refereed)
  • 71.
    Abrahamson, Maria
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Centre for Social Research on Alcohol and Drugs (SoRAD).
    Alkohol och unga i 20-årsåldern - rus, lust, problem och prevention2004Report (Other academic)
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  • 72.
    Abrahamson, Maria
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Work.
    Alkoholkontroll i brytningstid: ett kultursociologiskt perspektiv1999Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The dissertation is a product of four separate cultural studies, intended to throw light on the changes in Swedish alcohol policy taking place in recent years.

    Paper 1 discusses factors contributing to the rapid proliferation of restaurants in Sweden in the 1980’s and the subsequent tensions arising from a restrictive legislation, an increasingly liberal legal praxis and the new, public alcohol culture. Urban transformations and changes in public life, the transition from modem to late modernism, the emergence of a new middle class and the redefinition of women’s use of alcohol were among the crucial developments. Beginning in the late 1950’s and early 1960’s, important steps away from the traditionally strict control of restaurants stimulated competition and led to a loosening up of Swedish restaurant culture. By the 1980’s, the restrictive laws governing restaurants had begun to lose legitimacy as legal praxis was applied in an increasingly liberal spirit. The establishment of the Stockholm Water Festival, which allowed central parts of the city to be transformed into a gigantic beer hall, is one example of this. As in many other countries, age limits have now become almost the only actual restriction on the availability of alcohol. Today, rather than protection, the aim of alcohol policy - especially with regard to restaurants - is keeping damage to a minimum.

    Paper 2 is based on participant observation in three types of restaurants in Stockholm’s city centre. These are characterised as ‘the fashionable bar’, ‘the folksy bar’, and ‘the ethnic bar’. The study takes its starting point in Goffman’s (1956) concepts of ‘performance’, ‘setting’ and ‘personal front’, and how people consciously or unconsciously choose different milieus as a way of controlling the impression of themselves they wish to project. The fashionable bar clearly functioned as an arena for demonstrating professional and social success. The folksy bar could be used as the setting for a form of play in which company colleagues could temporarily set aside their differences in status. The closed room of the ethnic bar encouraged ‘time-out’ behaviour - seeming to serve as a second home, but also as a sex market for contacts between African men and Nordic women.

    Paper 3 presents an analysis of how five different occupational groups discuss their alcohol habits in serious compared to humorous speech. The occupational areas are media, politics, business, culture and civil service. In serious speech, the speakers tended to value cautious drinking, setting sharp limits as to how and when use of alcohol is appropriate. In humorous speech, the situation was largely the opposite - the interviewees often presenting themselves as being under external constraints with regard to alcohol. The situations that provoked humour are also where we find controversy in serious speech. Discrepancies between alcohol habits and the role model one represents as a parent gave rise to a number of jokes. The parts of serious discourse that concerned other people displayed a very different content, dealing with excessive drinking, not being able to handle alcohol and not being permitted to drink alcohol - a content reflected in humorous form when the interviewees talked about themselves.

    Paper 4, based on the same interview data as Paper 3, examines the issue of youth and alcohol. Common dividing lines between the groups could be observed, such as describing the problem as an individual, personal or family affair versus seeing it as a problem for the society, or placing responsibility for problem control on the individual as opposed to placing responsibility on the society. Those active in cultural pursuits viewed teenage use and abuse of alcohol as a social problem, but placed responsibility for its solution on a private, individual level. Journalists saw the problem as belonging within the family, which is also where they placed responsibility for the solution. The politicians clearly perceived teenage drinking as a problem for the society and placed responsibility for solutions on outer agents, such as legislation and extensive information campaigns. Civil servants described the problem both in terms of belonging within the family and as a problem for the society. Business executives varied between the level on which they described the problem and the level on which they sought solutions. In considering the problem from the point of view of the consumer, they stressed individual responsibility. But as the discussion progressed, they came to see teenage drinking both as a family problem and a problem for the society and to place responsibility on outer authorities.

    The four studies are linked together in an introductory chapter within the common framework of Swedish alcohol control policy.

  • 73.
    Abrahamson, Maria
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Centre for Social Research on Alcohol and Drugs (SoRAD).
    Diskursiv analys av fokusgruppintervjuer: två exempel2005In: Forskningsmetoder i socialt arbete / [ed] S. Larsson, J. Lilja & K. Mannheimer, Lund: Studentlitteratur , 2005Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 74.
    Abrahamson, Maria
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Centre for Social Research on Alcohol and Drugs (SoRAD).
    När jag drack för mycket: unga i 20-årsåldern berättar2003In: Nordisk Alkohol- og narkotikatidsskrift (NAT), ISSN 1455-0725, E-ISSN 1458-6126, Vol. 20, no 6, p. 395-408Article in journal (Refereed)
  • 75.
    Abrahamson, Maria
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Centre for Social Research on Alcohol and Drugs (SoRAD).
    Ungas definitioner av alkoholist, storkonsument och fyllo2002Report (Other academic)
  • 76.
    Abrahamson, Maria
    et al.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Centre for Social Research on Alcohol and Drugs (SoRAD).
    Stenius, Kerstin
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Centre for Social Research on Alcohol and Drugs (SoRAD).
    Genetisk riskbedömning: nytt inslag i svensk alkoholskadeprevention2004In: Nordisk Alkohol- og narkotikatidsskrift (NAT), ISSN 1455-0725, E-ISSN 1458-6126, Vol. 21, no 2, p. 156-163Article in journal (Other academic)
  • 77.
    Abrahamsson, Agneta
    et al.
    Kristianstad University, School of Health and Society, Avdelningen för Samhällsvetenskap. Kristianstad University, Forskningsmiljön Arbete i skolan (AiS).
    Bing, Vibeke
    Tema: Familjecentraler: vad är en familjecentral?2011In: Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift, ISSN 0037-833X, E-ISSN 2000-4192, Vol. 88, no 2, p. 98-99Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
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  • 78.
    Abrahamsson, Cecilia
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Psychology, Pedagogy and Sociology.
    " har ju ett hum om artiklarna": En studie om hur socialsekreterare i fem kommuner förbereder sig för att Barnkonventionen blir lag 20202019Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The primary purpose of the thesis is to investigate how social workers working in the social services are preparing for the incorporation of the United Nation Convention on the Rights of the Child (Children's Convention) into Swedish law with a focus on the child's participation. The secondary purpose is to investigate how social workers enable children of different ages to be given a voice in child welfare investigations.

    To fulfil the purpose, six social workers in five municipalities were interviewed. The empirical findings were thereafter analyzed on the basis of Shier's pathways to participation, from a developmental psychological perspective as well as previous research.

    The results of the study show that a majority of the interviewed social workers are not involved in the social services' preparatory work ahead of the incorporation of the Children's Convention into Swedish law. All interviewed social workers are positive about the Children's Convention becoming law, but some raised concerns that it may lead to a heavier administrative burden. Most believed that it is mainly other functions within the municipality that will be affected by the Children's Convention becoming law and that it in practice will not change their work to ensure the child's participation in child welfare investigations.

    The results also show that the lack of time and resources makes it difficult for the social workers to find sufficient amount of time to meet with the child during the childcare investigation, and several argue that all social workers do not always feel comfortable talking to children. Another aspect that is highlighted is the parents lack of knowledge about the Children's Convention and of the Social Services Act, resulting in planned support measures not being implemented.

  • 79.
    Abrahamsson, Emelie
    et al.
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    Bjurström Hultin, Anna
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    Vad är att vara maskulin?: En kvalitativ studie om hur unga män uttrycker psykisk ohälsa i förhållande till maskulinitetsnormer2020Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The purpose of this study was to examine how young men express their mental ill-health and experience of masculine norms in the meeting with staff at the youth centres. The study also examines how the staff working at the youth centres experience the acceptance on this issues that affect young men's mental health and masculinity norms. The study examine that social constructions of masculinity create barriers for young men to express themselves verbally about mental ill-health, which results in alternate forms of expression. These alternative forms of expression are presented in this study such as self-medication, anxiety feelings, and exuberant actions. The study shows how masculine norms create penalties for how young men generally seek care later and then also generally feel inferior, which indicates the gender difference between young women and young men. The study results in knowledge about the problem for young men to express themselves verbally about feelings linked to masculine norms. The method used in this study is semi-structured interviews with informants in terms of staff among Swedish youth centres and Swedish centre for young men. Social constructivism and role theory have been used as a theoretical frame of reference to explain phenomena in our society that are considered natural and which in effect have different socialization processors for the creation of male norms (Wenneberg, 2000). The study findings draw attention to the complex problem of mental ill-health among young men, its consequences and which gaps of knowledge that needs to be filled.

  • 80.
    Abrahamsson, Emilia
    et al.
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Work.
    Westerlund, Clara
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Work.
    “Två saker är värre än allt annat. Det är om ditt barn dör eller om ditt barn blir omhändertaget av socialen”: En dokumentstudie avseende LVU-kampanjen2024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    LVU-kampanjen beskrivs i media vara den största påverkanskampanj som någonsin träffat Sverige och uppges vara en av anledningarna till att landets terrorhotnivå höjdes från tre till fyra på den femgradiga skalan sommaren 2023. Vad handlar egentligen LVU-kampanjen om? Hur framställs den av media? I denna kvalitativa dokumentstudie är syftet att undersöka just detta samt hur regeringen och berörda myndigheter har bemött LVU-kampanjen. Studien ämnar även att undersöka vilka eventuella konsekvenser för Socialstyrelsen och socialtjänsten som media beskrivit förorsakats av LVU-kampanjen. För att undersöka detta utgår studien från nyhetsartiklar funna på internet. Det empiriska materialet utgörs således av 54 nyhetsartiklar och därtill har rapporter samt officiella dokument använts. Det empiriska materialet har analyserats genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys och studiens teori utgörs av gestaltningsteorin samt de teoretiska begreppen motstånd och social rörelse. LVU-kampanjen beskrivs handla om en form av ryktesspridning gällande att svensk socialtjänst omhändertar barn och i synnerhet muslimska barn utan några legitima grunder. Vidare beskrivs kampanjen ha fått stor nationell och internationell spridning med anledning av sociala medier, där personer enades kring frågan. Personer i andra länder, med miljontals följare på sociala medier spred denna så kallade desinformation, vilket nådde människor världen över. Studiens resultat visar att media har framställt en sammantagen bild av att porträttera och beskriva  LVU-kampanjen som en desinformationskampanj och bemötandet av kampanjen verkar, av de officiella dokumenten att läsa, till största del handla om hur desinformation ska motverkas. Avslutningsvis beskrivs LVU-kampanjen ha drabbat socialarbetare, vilka fått motta hot mot både sig själva och sina familjer. Dessutom beskrivs rädsla och minskad tillit till socialtjänsten vara en konsekvens av, men även orsak till, LVU-kampanjen, vilket drabbar barn som är i behov av stöd. Sammantaget är hot och våld gentemot socialarbetare samt en rädsla för socialtjänsten hos utsatta människor att betrakta som ytterst allvarliga konsekvenser för det sociala arbetets praktik.

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    Abrahamsson & Westerlund
  • 81.
    Abrahamsson, Emma
    et al.
    Södertörn University, School of Social Sciences, Social Work.
    Ahlstrand-Jorg, Eveline
    Södertörn University, School of Social Sciences, Social Work.
    "Hade du kommit för två år sedan när du började tycka att det var jobbigt. Då hade det varit så mycket lättare för dig": En kvalitativ studie om professionellas erfarenheter av att arbeta med pojkar och unga män med psykisk ohälsa2024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The purpose of this study was to examine the experiences of professionals working with boys and young men suffering from mental illnesses. This has been made possible through semi-structured interviews with five informants who work with social work in various organizations, thus making this a cross-professional study. The results of the study emerged through a thematic analysis where the following main themes were identified: the professional's view of boys and young men's mental illness, the professional's approach and the professional's work. The study's theoretical framework is Connell's theory of masculinity, Goffman's theory of stigma, professional discretion and Gordon's universal, selective and indicated prevention theory. The results of this study show, according to the informants, that there are several barriers that become an obstacle for both the target group and the professionals, such as stigmatization and gender norms. All informants were aware of how gender norms affect the meeting with boys and young men, however the results of the study indicate how the informants approach differs as a result of their own gender. Finally, different contextual conditions are identified that affect conditions in the work and the professional's discretion, such as different opportunities for reflection and different opportunities for health-promoting work.

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  • 82.
    Abrahamsson, Evonne
    et al.
    Karlstad University, Faculty of Social and Life Sciences.
    Andersson, Maria
    Karlstad University, Faculty of Social and Life Sciences.
    "Unga män som bryter mönstret": "Young Men who Break the Standard"2009Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This study is about the project Sharaf’s heroes, which aims to change - the attitudes of young men with roots in honour culture. A qualitative method has been used, with four interviews with men who work within the organization. The aim of the study has been to increase the understanding of how work against honour related violence and oppressions can be dealt with, in order to decrease it. The focus in this study lies on the young men's own view on and experiences of honour culture and their work with the project Sharaf’s heroes. Our issues are as follows: What are Sharaf’s heroes and what is the purpose of the project? Which methods are used in their work? Which problems and obstacles will it be with the work in the project and which result has the project given so far? What does an honour culture consist of and what kinds of problems does it cause? Which role has young men living in honour culture and how can they work in order to change it?


    Our result shows that the project’s purpose of the project is that it will work as an aid organization in order to prevent and to change attitudes. Additionally, it will function as a knowledge bank for different authorities when it comes to honour related violence. The main method in the project is the dialogue group, where the work starts from underneath through the young generation's men. The result that the project has given so far shows that when the dialogue between children and parents start, a process begins which leads to change the current prevailing attitudes. The problems with the work in the project are above all that there is a lack of cooperation within the authorities, and that authority’s knowledge about honour related problems is inadequate.


    Keywords; Honour, Young men’s role, Sharaf’s heroes, Honour related violence and oppression, Socialization, Familystructure.


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  • 83.
    Abrahamsson, Johan
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Pedagogy and Sociology.
    Hjälp till hjälp: En kvalitativ studie om vägen till missbruksbehandling2015Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The present study has the qualitative research with the output of systems theory aimed to identify the individual abuser path to addiction treatment. Three semi-structured interviews have been conducted and subsequently analyzed.

    Addicts constitute a special category in the Social Services Act. In addition, it is to be found in the section of the law Chapter 3, 1 § (SFS 2001: 453) that the social outreach should make themselves familiar with the living conditions in the municipality. In addition, also provide information on social services in the municipality and through outreach activities and other means to promote conditions for good living conditions.

    Results have demonstrated that it is primarily the abuser's family members who support them to contact applicants as current treatment. The study has also revealed that although the addict in the first place not turned to social services, but turned to other instances.

    Respondents in the study all had individual agendas as applicable achieved abstinence. What, however, seemed significant among the participants has been a quest for better relationships with their family.

    Another of the study's conclusions is that social services should expand its dissemination of information to local residents about drug treatment are available and how the aid is designed.

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  • 84.
    Abrahamsson, Julia
    et al.
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Psychology and Social Work.
    Haraldsdotter, Hanna
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Psychology and Social Work.
    “Det känns inte som att det är den första personen jag skulle gå till.”: En studie om gymnasieelevers uppfattning av skolkuratorers tillgänglighet.2022Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
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  • 85.
    Abrahamsson, Lena
    et al.
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Social Work and Psychology.
    Lindberg, Jennie
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Social Work and Psychology.
    Det krävs mer än mediciner: Betydelsen av samverkan och stödjande insatser kring personer som deltar i substitutionsbehandling för sitt opiatberoende2018Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Substitutionsbehandling är en vårdform som rekommenderas av Socialstyrelsen för personer med ett långvarigt opiatberoende. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur samverkan kring klienterna fungerade, samt vilka stödinsatser som kunde bli aktuella utifrån klinternas behov. Då substitutionsbehandling anses vara kontroversiellt, fanns även ett intresse av att undersöka de professionellas upplevelser av vårdformen. Studien bygger på kvalitativa intervjuer med yrkesverksamma (n=8) som i sina olika yrkesroller hade kontakt med klienterna. Resultatet analyserades utifrån systemteori, stämplingsteori och empowerment. Studiens huvudresultat visade att det förekom mycket samverkan kring klienterna och att det fanns flera stödinsatser tillgängliga för den enskilde. Inställningen till substitutionsbehandling var till övervägande del positiv och de främsta argumenten för vårdformen uppgavs vara de personliga vinsterna för klienterna. Slutsatsen är att det krävs mer än mediciner för att upprätthålla drogfrihet och klienternas sociala nätverk kan vara avgörande för en lyckad behandlingsprocess. Studiens resultat kan därmed bidra med kunskap om substitutionsbehandling.

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  • 86.
    Abrahamsson, Lisa
    et al.
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    Grönlund, Mikaela
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    Att arbeta med oförenliga mål: En studie om vardagens etiska dilemman och målkonflikter på demensboenden, med särskilt fokus på äldreomsorgens nationella värdegrund2017Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Äldreomsorgens nationella värdegrund - ett vägledningsmaterial” gavs ut 2012 av Socialstyrelsen i syfte att implementera en gemensam värdegrund i verksamheterna så att äldreomsorgen ska kunna bidra till att äldre känner välbefinnande och ett värdigt liv. Denna studie redogör för etiska dilemman och målkonflikter som undersköterskor uppgett att de ställts inför i det dagliga arbetet på demensboenden, samt en redogörelse för vilka värdeord som ges mer prioritet än andra. Detta har undersökts genom kvalitativa, semistrukturerade intervjuer med fem undersköterskor. Intervjuerna har bearbetats med hjälp av tematisk analys samt tolkats i förhållande till tidigare forskning, det salutogena synsättet och KASAM, med begreppen begriplighet, hanterbarhet, meningsfullhet och makt. I vår studie fann vi etiska dilemman förknippade både med kollegor, anhöriga och brukare. Även bristande resurser kunde begränsa måluppfyllelsen och kvaliteten på omsorgen. Av de värdeord i värdegrunden som vi har fokuserat på så stod de vanligaste målkonflikterna mellan självbestämmandet och den fysiska tryggheten eller mellan självbestämmandet och den personliga integriteten. Målkonflikterna uppstod främst när brukaren vägrar vård, exempelvis när denne inte vill ha hjälp med ADL1 eller ta sina mediciner. Resultatet visar även på att informanterna värderar självbestämmandet högt och i särskilda fall kan de använda någon form av skyddsåtgärd eller annan tvingande åtgärd för att bevara brukarens hälsa. Dock så är det ingen av informanterna som kan tänka sig att tvinga eller lura i sin brukare mediciner. En värdefull aspekt som framkommer i studien är de förebyggande åtgärder och arbetssätt som undersköterskorna tar till för att “få brukarna med sig” så att brukarna tar rationella beslut, och därmed undviks målkonflikter.   

  • 87.
    Abrahamsson, Maria
    et al.
    Malmö University, Faculty of Health and Society (HS).
    Röstén, Dorota
    Malmö University, Faculty of Health and Society (HS).
    Hälsa för lärande, lärande för hälsa: En studie om elevhälsans arbete för hälsa och välmående2021Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Student health consists of several professions that together build a team with several professions. The team works to promote students' mental and physical health. The goal for student health is that all participating professions work together to ensure that all students feel involved, valuable and motivated to achieve the official school goals. Depending on how well this teamwork operates, it can either be an enabling or hindering factor for the student's participation in school activities. This study aims to investigate how a student health team can best work to create the sense of context that the school requires both by law and its required values. The study is based on two popular science books about health and unhealthiness in school and a fiction book with a "case description" of two teenage girls from different psychosocial environments feeling mentally ill. The results of the study show that student health teams can function well as there is a clear structure and determination among all participating professions. Some issues the popular science books discussed were the need to focus on health promotion and to provide adequate time for the required preventive work. A further development of this study is recommended to gain an understanding of the individual thoughts in student health and thereby make a comparison with the study that we have done through our interpretation of the literature.

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  • 88.
    Abrahamsson, Matilda
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Health, Social Work and Behavioural Sciences, School of Social Work.
    Gustafsson, Karin
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Health, Social Work and Behavioural Sciences, School of Social Work.
    Internet - en plats där du inte behöver vara annorlunda: En kvalitativ internetstudie om personer med Asperger syndrom, om svårigheter och möjligheter som de möter genom samhällets konstruktion.2012Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This study is based on a qualitative internet research about people with Asperger syndrome and their thoughts and opinions about the difficulties that occurs in the environment outside the home and their experiences of Internet. We have analyzed Internets social influences for those with Asperger syndrome, as a consequence of the difficulties that they meet in other environments. The constructed communities in the environment outside the home and the social interaction that occurs there is not adjusted for those with the diagnosis. This leads to difficulties to be there for those with Asperger syndrome. By doing a content analysis of the assembled data from a community site on the Internet, we found out that the environment on Internet is more comfortable for those with the diagnosis in several ways. A lot of people who earlier felt alone and excluded has thanks to the Internet been able to develop a healthy social life.

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  • 89.
    Abrahamsson, Pernilla
    et al.
    Örebro University, Department of Behavioural, Social and Legal Sciences.
    Liljemark, Sandra
    Örebro University, Department of Behavioural, Social and Legal Sciences.
    Socialt arbete i skolan: En kvalitativ enkätstudie utifrån ungdomars upplevelser och behov2006Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]


    Department of Behavioural, Social and Legal Sciences Programme in social care oriented towards social pedagogy C-essay, Social Work, 41-60 p

    Autumn term 2005 Social Work in School A qualitative study influenced by youths experiences and needs.

    Authors: Pernilla Abrahamsson & Sandra Liljemark

    Tutor: Marianne Freyne-Lindhagen


    The aim with this study is to investigate young adult´s experiences and need of social work in school, and a qualitative method was used to take part of their experiences. Groupquestionnaires with open questions was formed and three year one classes in uppersecondary school participated. In the process of making the questions a testquestionnaire was tested with one of the three classes as particpants. Information has also been collected throug an interview over the phone with the school´s welfare officer, and the school´s policy dokuments have been read. Social work in schools is mentioned in the study as preventive measures with youths when it comes to bullying, alcohol, drugs, sex and coexistance and tobacco. The concept youths include individuals born in 1989 and the year they was born was chosen in the study instead of a specific age to include youths who are not yet sixteen and to exclude the ones who are born earlier. The main questions are: What kind of experiences do yoths have of social work in school? What kind of need do youths have of social work in school? The result show the respondents experiences and needs of social work in school throug quotation and the answers. The result is also illustrated throug two diagrams which show the questionnaires frequence of answer. There is a need of social work in the uppersecondary school, and the need of it is not more then what the school today can offer. The respondents had the oppotunity to freely be able to express their opinion of social work in school, but the result shows that the youths who participated do not have the interest to give their opinion in the subject. This emerge throug answers with few words and a high frequence of “don´t know”-answers in many of the questions in the questionnaire. The analysis and discussion in this study opens up for new questions that can be used as further research. Key words: social work in school, youths

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  • 90.
    Abrahamsson, Sanne
    Kristianstad University, School of Health and Society.
    Socialtjänsten och mödrahälsovårdens arbete och samarbete kring gravida risk- och/eller missbrukare2012Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The aim with my study is to highlight, illuminate and examine the social and maternal health care motivational work of pregnant women with a risk or abuse of alcohol and / or drugs, and what actions can be considered for these women. In addition, the aim is to explore how social services and maternity care might interact in this type of case. The aim is to convey the subjective experience of each of the interviewees. For the purposes of this study, I have chosen to use the qualitative research method. I have interviewed social workers in individual and family care, and midwives. Study interview results show that pregnant misusers priority for both maternity care and social services. By the AUDIT, conducted by the maternal health care, shows that the woman has a risk and / or abuse woman offered a variety of activities that may be in the form of talks, drug testing and treatment. Cooperation is the key to success in this motivational work, and it's mainly collaboration between social services, maternal health and child health care. Cooperation seems to work fine, but could be improved with more time and more staff.

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  • 91.
    Abrahamsson, Tobias
    et al.
    Jönköping University, School of Health and Welfare, HHJ, Dep. of Social Work.
    Matin, Hossein
    Jönköping University, School of Health and Welfare, HHJ, Dep. of Social Work.
    Familjestruktur, föräldrainsyn och vänners inverkan på ungdomsbrottslighet: En kvantitativ studie där resultat från LoRDIA, rörande risk- och skyddsfaktorer för brott, studeras samt jämförs med tidigare resultat från BRÅ:s skolundersökning2020Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This study aims to examine risk- and protective factors connected to juvenile delinquency. To accomplish this, data from the research project LoRDIA (Longitudinal Research on Development In Adolescence) will be examined, and the results will then be compared with the results from the school study done by BRÅ (The Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention). The theoretical framework of this study is based on social development theory. LoRDIA:s study is carried out on 1441 adolescents attending grades 8 and 9 between the ages of 13–17 (with an age average of 14,8 years). Also, parental monitoring and its effect on risk- and protective factors are examined. Comparisons between the two studies show that there are similarities in general, where boys as well as if the parents of the adolescent are divorced/separated exhibit greater risk associated with delinquent behaviour. Both of these risk factors are connected to a lack of parental monitoring. An insufficient parental monitoring where mainly connected to if the adolescents parents were divorced/separated and the adolescent alternated between living with its parents. The study also show that the crime rates differ between the municipalities participating in the LoRDIA:s study. All results generated by this study are of value for crime prevention in social work. Further research are however required in order to concretely implement the findings in practice.

  • 92.
    Abramsson, Julia
    et al.
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Work.
    Lindmark, Lovisa
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Work.
    Dilemmat Samverkan: samverkan inom socialtjänsten i Norrbottens inland utifrån exemplet missbruksvård2024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Inlandskommuner i Norrbotten står ständigt för utmaningar i form av långa avstånd och hög personalomsättning. Missbruksvården är komplex och kräver bred kompetens för att möta klienter med individuella och unika erfarenheter. Samverkan mellan de små inlandskommunerna och de större kustkommunerna blir då ett viktigt verktyg för att garantera en likvärdig vård och insatser skapade utifrån individuella behov. Därav är syftet med vår studie att undersöka hur socialsekreterare i inlandskommuner i Norrbotten ser på villkor för samverkan utifrån exemplet missbruksvård. Med hjälp av kvalitativa metoder har vi genomfört semistrukturerade intervjuer med tre socialsekreterare som är eller har varit yrkesverksamma inom missbruksvården i inlandskommuner i Norrbotten. Även en forskare i socialt arbete, som forskat på fenomenet samverkan, har intervjuats för uppsatsen. Intervjuerna har analyserats med hjälp av tematisk analys ur ett kulturellt organisationsperspektiv.

    Resultaten visar på att samverkan inte bedrivs i den utsträckning som kan behövas. Intresset för samverkan med andra kommuner var lågt, och inställningen var ofta att samverkan leder till lika många problem som lösningar. Samtidigt sågs samverkan inom den egna kommunen som någonting som var enklare i en liten kommun jämfört med stora kommuner. Försvårande omständigheter som hög personalomsättning och stora avstånd var närvarande. Även avsaknaden av vissa behandlingsformer försvårade arbetet. Intresset av att förbättra villkoren för samverkan var också svagt, och det var svårt att bibehålla de samverkansgrupper som fanns. I slutsatsen framkom att samverkan mellan kommuner är mycket komplext, framförallt när stora avstånd försvårar. Ett behov av stärkt kunskap om samverkan framträdde. Det krävs också en stärkt organisatorisk struktur när det kommer till samverkan, som kan bidra till gemensamma förutsättningar och en mer positiv inställning till samverkan.

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  • 93.
    Abramsson, Malin
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Work.
    Tonårstjejers syn på genus, sexualitet, jämställdhet och feminism2006Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Studiens syfte har varit att undersöka tonårstjejers syn på och konstruktion av genus och sexualitet och huruvida de anser att det finns samband mellan genus, sexualitet, jämställdhet och feminism. Fokus har legat på sexuellt handlingsutrymmer, förhållandet mellan kärlek och sexuella handlingar, på vilket sätt utseende och klädstil kopplas till kön och sexualitet, syn på hetero-, homo-, och bisexualitet samt tonårstjejernas grad av feministisk medvetenhet.

    Studien har byggts på kvalitativa samtalsintervjuer med sammanlagt sju tonårstjejer mellan 15-20 år. Studien gör en postmodernistisk feministisk ansats och utgår i sin analys ifrån Yvonne Hirdmans och Judith Butlers teoribildning om genus, kön och sexualitet. Det blir genom studien tydligt hur de studerade tonårstjejerna förhåller sig till olika genusnormer kring hur en normal tjej bör vara, se ut och uttrycka sin sexualitet.

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  • 94.
    Abramsson, Marianne
    Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Division Ageing and Social Change. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Äldre, infrastruktur och boende2017In: Vem är den äldre? - Äldrebilder i ett åldrande Sverige / [ed] Abramsson, Marianne; Hydén, Lars-Christer & Motel Klingebiel, Andreas, Stockholm: Nationell Kvalitetsplan för Äldreomsorgenionell Kvalitetsplan för Äldreomsorgen , 2017Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 95.
    Abramsson, Marianne
    Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Division Ageing and Social Change. Linköping University, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences.
    Äldre, generationsperspektiv och sociala nätverk2017In: Vem är den äldre? Äldrebilder i ett åldrande Sverige / [ed] Abramsson, Marianne; Hydén, Lars-Christer & Motel Klingebiel, Andreas, Stockholm: Nationell Kvalitetsplan för Äldreomsorgenationell Kvalitetsplan för Äldreomsorgen , 2017Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 96.
    Abramsson, Marianne
    et al.
    Stockholm Univ, Sweden.
    Hagberg, Jan-Erik
    Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Division Ageing and Social Change. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    What about community sustainability? - dilemmas of ageing in shrinking semi-rural areas in Sweden2018In: Scottish Geographical Journal, ISSN 1470-2541, E-ISSN 1751-665X, Vol. 134, no 3-4, p. 103-121Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Many municipalities in Sweden have decreasing population rates combined with an increasing proportion of older people. Such a demographic shift will influence the way life is led as the foundation for service provision and social activities becomes undermined. This leads us to question the extent to which shrinking municipalities can be considered socially sustainable. The aim of the paper was to investigate older peoples participation in the local community and to study the perceived changes in the local community as reported by older people and how these are experienced. A postal survey was sent out to all inhabitants aged 80 years and older living in their own household in three small, semi-rural municipalities in southern Sweden, in total 1386. The response rate was 60%. Thus, focus was on the experiences of the oldest individuals. The research questions analysed for this study concerned the ageing populations social networks, community involvement, car dependence and service provision. The results are used to discuss the social sustainability of the societies in which these people have lived for a long time.

  • 97.
    Abramsson, Marianne
    et al.
    Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Division Ageing and Social Change. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Öhman, Annika
    Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Division of Occupational Therapy. Linköping University, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences.
    Äldres hälsa och livsstil2017In: Vem är den äldre? - Äldrebilder i ett åldrande Sverige / [ed] Abramsson, Marianne; Hydén Lars-Christer & Motel Klingebiel Andreas, Stockholm: Nationell Kvalitetsplan för Äldreomsorgen , 2017Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 98.
    Abrèu, Lorenny
    et al.
    Mälardalen University, School of Sustainable Development of Society and Technology.
    Hodzic, Amela
    Mälardalen University, School of Sustainable Development of Society and Technology.
    Hemlöshet: En studie av missbruk och stämpling2009Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]


    Med denna studie ville vi belysa hur före detta hemlösa upplevt de sociala myndigheternas insatser samt vilken hjälp de fick under deras tid som hemlösa. I studien medverkade åtta personer som tidigare varit hemlösa. Vi har tillämpat teorier från sociologer så som Erving Goffman (Stigma), Howard Becker (avvikarkarriären) samt Johan Cullberg (kris och utveckling). Detta för att kunna belysa empirin som framkom i studien. I studien har vi använt oss av sex artiklar från tidigare forskning som handlade om hemlöshet. Detta delades upp i fyra olika kategorier och utifrån dessa har vi tillämpat vår empiri. Denna studie utgår från en kvalitativ metod med en hermeneutisk forskningstradition.

    Resultatet i studien visade att hälften utav respondenterna var nöjda med de insatser de fick från de sociala myndigheterna. Vi kunde även se att motivation till förändring inte endast var ett krav från de sociala myndigheterna utan genom motivation fick respondenterna de resurser de var i behov av. Andra hälften var inte nöjda med myndigheternas insatser då en del kraven var alldeles för många och svåra att uppnå. Samtliga respondenter betonade frivilliga organisationers betydelse som bidrog till att respondenterna kunde ta sig ur hemlösheten.

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  • 99.
    Abshir, Juweria Nora Liibaan
    Örebro University, School of Law, Psychology and Social Work.
    Parental Burnout among Somali Mothers:Associations with Psychological, Psychosocial, and Sociodemographic factors2022Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Parenthood can be defined by the contradiction that it is one of the most satisfying yet stressful experiences in life. Nevertheless, research on parental burnout is scant and many studies have only examined the condition in Western settings. Furthermore, there is minimal research on parental burnout during the pandemic and its association to various factors. The aim of this study was therefore to examine parental burnout among Somali mothers in Mogadishu, Somalia, during the COVID 19-pandemic, and its association with certain psychological, psychosocial, and sociodemographic factors. In this cross-sectional study, data was collected through the measurements Parental Burnout Assessment and Patient Health Questionnaire 9, as well as through social and demographic questions. A total of 882 Somali mothers in Mogadishu participated. The analysis methods used were univariate, bivariate, and multiple linear regression analysis methods. The results revealed that the collective estimate of parental burnout was low among the sample. Additionally, the results indicated a significant association between higher levels of parental burnout and higher levels of depression, perceived lack of social support, being unmarried, having a low monthly household income, and when the youngest child was of school-age. The main findings were moreover analysed though Bronfenbrenner's Bioecological Systems Theory and the Balance between Risks and Resources theory. This study was the first to examine parental burnout among mothers in Somalia. As such, this thesis stressed the importance of continuing to conduct research on parental burnout, as well as examining the condition in other settings in order to achieve a more grounded knowledge base for professionals.

  • 100.
    Absuge, Faiza
    et al.
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Work.
    Abdissa, Hermella
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Work.
    ATT ARBETA MED HEDERSVÅLD OCH FÖRTRYCK: En kvalitativ studie om insatser, svårigheter och brister i arbetet mot hederskulturen2020Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Skyddade boendens arbete med kvinnor som är utsatta för hedersvåld och förtryck har under de senaste åren uppmärksammats allt mer. Fler skyddade boenden har öppnats och stödet som ges till hedersutsatta kvinnor inom dessa verksamheter har utvecklats över tid. Ett flertal undersökningar har dock visat att flera yrkesverksamma som jobbar med hedersutsatta saknar tillräckligt med kunskap om problematiken. Flertal rapporter påpekar också att det inte finns en enhetlig definition av fenomenet hedersvåld och därmed behövs mer kunskap och fakta om problematiken för att kunna möta behovet. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur socialarbetare inom skyddade boenden i Stockholms län arbetar med hedersutsatta kvinnor samt vilka svårigheter de möter under arbetet med hänsyn till ovanstående problematik gällande kunskapsbristen inom området. Studien bygger på en i huvudsak kvalitativ metod, där vi intervjuat tre personal från tre olika skyddade boenden. Intervjuerna genomfördes utifrån den semistrukturerade metoden där vi hade förberett en intervjuguide med tema och frågeområde. En fenomenografisk ansats tillämpades och analysen av datamaterialet genererades i två kategorier. Resultatet visar att samtliga informanter på skyddade boenden arbetade främst med att skydda kvinnorna från hotbilden. Dessutom erbjöds det stödsamtal, krissamtal och motiverande samtal i samtliga skyddade boenden. Den stora utmaningen under arbetet enligt samtliga informanter är att stötta kvinnor som vill återvända hem trots alla risker. Den främsta svårigheten under arbetet med hänsyn till kunskapsbristen är yrkesverksammas olika uppfattningar om problematiken som skapar förvirring inom arbetsgruppen och försvårar arbetet. Informanterna berättade att vissa yrkesverksamma har en uppfattning om problematiken som inte bygger på fakta vilket ofta kan leda till felbedömning.  Trots alla ovan nämnda svårigheter ansåg inte samtliga informanter behovet av en generell riktlinje i arbetet med hedersutsatta. Samtliga informanter betonade vikten av att uppdatera sig med nya kunskap och vara vaksam på sig själv för att kunna utföra ett faktabaserat arbete. Utifrån studiens resultat kan vi dra slutsats om att arbetet på skyddade boenden handlar främst om att skydda kvinnorna från hotbilden. En detaljerad och generell riktlinje i arbetet med hedersutsatta är inte nödvändig då hedersutsattas hjälpbehov varierar från individ till individ. Detta innebär då att handlingsutrymme ökar ytterligare när det kommer till individuella bedömningar.   

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