Production concurrence within manufacturing companies is continuously increasing due to production requirements and demand of mass produced customized goods. In order to meet customers’ requirements nowadays, companies need to increase customize production without suffering a loss of quality. In pursuance of an increased production on the main shop floor of the industrial partner involved in this project, the company investigates the idea of investing in an automated pressing machine to centralize the process outside different assembly lines. With the help of automation, simulation, and Lean, the potential of the company to reduce lead times to satisfy the customer needs can be increased.
The aim of this final year project is to investigate the potential of a stator pressing machine to manage the supply of product parts to four assembly lines. One of the requirements is that the yearly volume of the new system could be increased by 50%.
The methodology used in this study is based on Lean, simulation, and optimization. In order to have an overview of the problem, a situation analysis was made on the current production flow. Therefore, a data collection process was performed through observations, continuous communication with matter experts, and historical data. This data was used to analyze the system and feed the simulation model of the proposed new system. Different Lean tools were also used for the analysis and improvement of the system.
The company presented ideas on how they wanted the production flow to look like, which were then further developed and used as a basis for the improvement suggestions. One requirement was that the solution had to be Lean inspired.
The aim of the study was achieved by creating a simulation model to test how the system would behave in different configurations. A first scenario designed as a Pull flow system where the products were only produced according to demand. The second scenario was a Push based system without considering just-in-time production. The first scenario was presented as suggestion for final solution.
The result from the simulation scenarios showed a clear difference between the two systems. The Pull flow was more suitable due to a drastic decrease in both number of products as work- in-progress and lead time. The final solution, using a Kanban method, and a suggestion for the production layout of the future production flow is presented in the report.