This document reports the activities and impressions of 30 Swedish adult educators who exchanged ideas, experiences, and research results concerning adult education and learning at more than 20 conferences and seminars organized in the United States and Canada. The foreword briefly summarizes some impressions. (Among them are that adult education is more market-oriented in the United States than in Sweden, which has a more policy-oriented system; that Sweden may have more adults being educated per capita, whereas the United States and Canada may offer a wider variety of programs; and that Sweden may be more concerned with equality as it relates to adult education, whereas personal fulfillment may be a more common value in North America.) Part 1 of the document compares and contrasts the North American and Swedish systems, including such topics as study circles, study finance, outreach activities, workplace learning, public broadcasting, and adult learning, the status of research and development in adult education and the infrastructure of adult learning. Ten references are provided for Part 1. Part 2 contains a set of black and white photographs of the Swedish educators and of people and places they encountered during their visits to North America and Canada. Part 3 provides a smorgasbord of ideas, programs, notes, and references about the trip and the ideas exchanged there