First of all, it has been a fantastic time at KTH with new and old collaborations across disciplines, paving the way for the reinvented, new humanities of societal relevance. The Posthumanities Hub (PH) has since March 2018 until February 2021 had its main institutional home at KTH, where our founding director Cecilia Åsberg worked as Guest Professor in Science and Technology Studies focusing on Gender and Environment. Dr. Janna Holmstedt, artistic director and coordinator, has worked at KTH as research engineer since May 2019, and co-director Dr. Marietta Radomska has been based at Linköping University and Helsinki University.
As a research group and network of networks for philosophy, arts, and sciences informed by advanced cultural critique and creativity, we host visiting researchers, public events, seminars and symposia. From such collaborative vantage points, we bring science and nonhumans to the humanities, and transformational humanities to the people. The Posthumanities Hub collaborates with other institutions through our research group, visiting scholars, affiliated researchers, advisory board, and international networks. For instance, during these three years we have worked with Bonniers Konsthall and Färgfabriken in Stockholm, the Rachel Carson Centre for Environment and Society in Munich, Lofoten Art Festival in Norway, the International Science Festival in Göteborg, The Public Art Agency Sweden, the Finnish Bioart Society, and UNESCO World Humanities: Europe, to mention a few.We have been giving talks, PhD responses, and keynotes, at Swedish and international universities, art events, research conferences, and at the Swedish Radio. We have hosted more than 20 seminars at KTH as part of The Posthumanities Hub Seminar Series, which since 2020 have been taking place online, with the number of participants skyrocketing from 30 to 150.
Marietta Radomska has set up a sub-group of the Posthumanities Hub, focusing on Eco- and Bioart research. Janna Holmstedt has initiated the Humus Economicus Collaboratory, focusing on human-soil relations. Cecilia Åsberg and Hub-researcher Christina Fredengren are finalizing the project Checking in with Deep Time, and Åsberg will explore AI and the Artistic Imaginary with André Holzapfel and Bob Sturm, KTH.
Among the varied activities we have engaged in besides research are:
• Open Humanities Lab Symposium: New Humanities and Anthropocene we organized at KTH, with 25 extra-ordinary speakers (2019)
• a mixed and postdisciplinary gathering of artists and researchers on the theme of /Mis/communication/s/ in KTH’s Reaktorhallen, curated by Janna Holmstedt on invitation by The Public Art Agency Sweden (2019);
• PH has been a proud partner and participant in The Kelp Congress, Lofoten International Festival (LIAF), NO (2019), the Posthumanism Research Institute at Brock University, Canada, and the State of the Art Network, a Nordic-Baltic network of artists, practitioners, researchers, and organizations exploring the role, responsibility, and potential of art and culture in the Anthropocene (2018 –present).
• We’ve initiated two Formas Communication Projects (Åsberg) involving students, in collaboration with Bromma gymnasium, Färgfabriken in Stockholm and Art Lab Gnesta.
Our teaching focuses on gender, environment and sustainability. We were proud to inherit Gender and Technology (Åsberg), a flagship course of the Division that we ran 2019 – 2020 with students doing MAs in engineering. In 2020 we started up the new PhD course Gender and Sustainability: Introducing Feminist Environmental Humanities with Meike Schalk at KTH School of Architecture, with over 30 participants from many corners of the world. Both courses were very highly rated and appreciated, to the degree of forming new lively phd-networks (Genderation for Future Sustainability Network).
Read more about the research group,our companions, seminars, projectsand events here:
Director and founder:Cecilia Åsberg, KTH/ Radomska, LiU.artistic director and coordinator:Janna Holmstedt, KTH.senior strategic advisor:Christina Fredengren, SU. Ragnar Holm postdoc:Lina Rahm, KTH.