A Note on Spelling and Referencing
1 Jonathan Adams and Cordelia Heß
Jewish Life and Books under Scrutiny: Ethnography, Polemics, and Converts
I Life and campaigns
2 David H. Price
Johannes Pfefferkorn and Imperial Politics
3 Franz Posset
In Search of the Historical Pfefferkorn: The Missionary to the Jews, 1507–1508
4 Avner Shamir
Johannes Pfefferkorn and the Dual Form of the Confiscation Campaign
II Books and dissemination
5 Jan-Hendryk de Boer
Pfefferkorn’s Books or the Most Rational Man in the World
6 Naomi Feuchtwanger-Sarig
Synagoga Veritas? Johannes Pfefferkorn and his Synagogue Descriptions in the buchlijn der iuden beicht
7 Cordelia Heß
Jew-Hatred Sells? Anti-Jewish Print Production in the German Dialects
8 Jonathan Adams
“Thus shall Christian people know to punish them”: Translating Pfefferkorn into Danish
III Converts, ethnography, and polemics
9 Maria Diemling
Patronage, Representation, and Conversion: Victor von Carben (1423–1515) and his Social Networks
10 Stephen G. Burnett
Luther’s Chief Witness: Anthonius Margaritha’s Der gantz Jüdisch glaub (1530/1531)
11 Yaacov Deutsch
The Reception History of Ethnographic Literature about the Jews
12 Ryan W. Szpiech
From Convert to Convert: Two Opposed Trends in Late Medieval and Early Modern Anti-Jewish Polemic
13 Imanuel Clemens Schmidt
Revealing the Absurdity of Jewish Hopes: From Polemical Ethnography to Basnage’s L’Histoire des Juifs
14 Markéta Kabůrková
Tela Ignea Satanae: Christian Scholars and the Editing of Hebrew Polemical Literature
15 Avery Gosfield
Gratias post mensam in diebus festiuis cum cantico hebrayim: A New Look at an Early Sixteenth-Century Tzur Mishelo
Works Attributed to Johannes Pfefferkorn