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  • 1.
    Abrahamsson, Emelie
    et al.
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    Bjurström Hultin, Anna
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    Vad är att vara maskulin?: En kvalitativ studie om hur unga män uttrycker psykisk ohälsa i förhållande till maskulinitetsnormer2020Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The purpose of this study was to examine how young men express their mental ill-health and experience of masculine norms in the meeting with staff at the youth centres. The study also examines how the staff working at the youth centres experience the acceptance on this issues that affect young men's mental health and masculinity norms. The study examine that social constructions of masculinity create barriers for young men to express themselves verbally about mental ill-health, which results in alternate forms of expression. These alternative forms of expression are presented in this study such as self-medication, anxiety feelings, and exuberant actions. The study shows how masculine norms create penalties for how young men generally seek care later and then also generally feel inferior, which indicates the gender difference between young women and young men. The study results in knowledge about the problem for young men to express themselves verbally about feelings linked to masculine norms. The method used in this study is semi-structured interviews with informants in terms of staff among Swedish youth centres and Swedish centre for young men. Social constructivism and role theory have been used as a theoretical frame of reference to explain phenomena in our society that are considered natural and which in effect have different socialization processors for the creation of male norms (Wenneberg, 2000). The study findings draw attention to the complex problem of mental ill-health among young men, its consequences and which gaps of knowledge that needs to be filled.

  • 2.
    Abrahamsson, Kenneth
    et al.
    Luleå tekniska universitet, Luleå.
    Eriksson, LisbethUniversity West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.Lundberg, MartinLinköpings universitet, Linköping.Myrstener, MatsFöreningen för folkbildningsforskning, Stockholm.Svensson, LenaFöreningen för folkbildningsforskning, Stockholm.
    Folkbildning & forskning: årsbok 20212021Collection (editor) (Other academic)
  • 3.
    Abrahamsson, Lisa
    et al.
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    Grönlund, Mikaela
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    Att arbeta med oförenliga mål: En studie om vardagens etiska dilemman och målkonflikter på demensboenden, med särskilt fokus på äldreomsorgens nationella värdegrund2017Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Äldreomsorgens nationella värdegrund - ett vägledningsmaterial” gavs ut 2012 av Socialstyrelsen i syfte att implementera en gemensam värdegrund i verksamheterna så att äldreomsorgen ska kunna bidra till att äldre känner välbefinnande och ett värdigt liv. Denna studie redogör för etiska dilemman och målkonflikter som undersköterskor uppgett att de ställts inför i det dagliga arbetet på demensboenden, samt en redogörelse för vilka värdeord som ges mer prioritet än andra. Detta har undersökts genom kvalitativa, semistrukturerade intervjuer med fem undersköterskor. Intervjuerna har bearbetats med hjälp av tematisk analys samt tolkats i förhållande till tidigare forskning, det salutogena synsättet och KASAM, med begreppen begriplighet, hanterbarhet, meningsfullhet och makt. I vår studie fann vi etiska dilemman förknippade både med kollegor, anhöriga och brukare. Även bristande resurser kunde begränsa måluppfyllelsen och kvaliteten på omsorgen. Av de värdeord i värdegrunden som vi har fokuserat på så stod de vanligaste målkonflikterna mellan självbestämmandet och den fysiska tryggheten eller mellan självbestämmandet och den personliga integriteten. Målkonflikterna uppstod främst när brukaren vägrar vård, exempelvis när denne inte vill ha hjälp med ADL1 eller ta sina mediciner. Resultatet visar även på att informanterna värderar självbestämmandet högt och i särskilda fall kan de använda någon form av skyddsåtgärd eller annan tvingande åtgärd för att bevara brukarens hälsa. Dock så är det ingen av informanterna som kan tänka sig att tvinga eller lura i sin brukare mediciner. En värdefull aspekt som framkommer i studien är de förebyggande åtgärder och arbetssätt som undersköterskorna tar till för att “få brukarna med sig” så att brukarna tar rationella beslut, och därmed undviks målkonflikter.   

  • 4.
    Adamson, Göran
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    De gode viljers land: En venstrefløjskritik af multikulturalismen som svensk statsideologi2018Book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [da]

    Multikulturalisme ses af mange som progressiv og venstreorienteret, og kritikken af den betragtes som reaktionær og racistisk. Denne bog udfordrer denne tankegang og viser – fra et venstrefløjsperspektiv – hvordan den moderne mangfoldighedstankegang tværtimod undergraver fornuft, frihed, lighed og individuel selvbestemmelse. Ved at have et særligt fokus på sær-identiteter og indføre grupperettigheder på bekostning af universel politisk frihed, borgerrettigheder, upartiske institutioner og lighed mellem kønnene er den på kollisionskurs med demokratiets grundværdier. Multikulturalisme er derfor i virkeligheden en konservativ og antimoderne ideologi.

  • 5.
    Adamson, Göran
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    Invandring och brottslighet: En datauppdatering för 2000-talet2019Book (Other academic)
  • 6.
    Adamson, Göran
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    Migrants and Crime in Sweden in the Twenty-First Century2020In: Society, ISSN 0147-2011, E-ISSN 1936-4725, Vol. 57, no 1, p. 9-21Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    In 2005, the Swedish Crime Prevention Agency published a report about the link between immigration and crime. Since then, no comprehensive study has been conducted even though Sweden has experienced a large influx of migrants in combination with a rising crime rate. This study conducted by Goran Adamson and Tino Sanandaji is the first purely descriptive scientific investigation on the matter in fifteen years. The investigation (from 2002 to 2017) covers seven distinct categories of crime, and distinguishes between seven regions of origin. Based on 33 per cent of the population (2017), 58 per cent of those suspect for total crime on reasonable grounds are migrants. Regarding murder, manslaughter and attempted murder, the figures are 73 per cent, while the proportion of robbery is 70 per cent. Non-registered migrants are linked to about 13 per cent of total crime. Given the fact that this group is small, crime propensity among non-registered migrants is significant.

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  • 7.
    Adamson, Göran
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    Multikulturen och högerpopulismen2016In: KvartalArticle in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [sv]

    Den multikulturella vänstern har brutit med klassiska vänsterideal som vetenskap, sekularism, anspråk på sanning och fri debatt. Den förkastar högerns nationalism men odlar en etnomystik som är minst lika konservativ. Kulturell självbelåtenhet hånas och hyllas på samma gång. Var finns principen?...

  • 8.
    Adamson, Göran
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    Partikortet, korporatism och autonomin inom akademin2018In: Kejsarens nya kläder: om New Public Management och de svenska universitetens sönderfall / [ed] Göran Adamson och Daniel Rauhut(red), Academic Rights Watch , 2018, p. 89-102Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 9.
    Adamson, Göran
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    Populist parties and the failure of the political elites: the rise of the Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ)2016Book (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The author analyses the reasons behind the electoral success of European right-wing populist parties. Using the Austrian Freedom Party under Jörg Haider as a case study and with a richness of primary material, he argues that their success is only partly caused by "racism". It is also, and more prominently, the result of populism – i.e. a critique of the "elite". These parties and their voters should not, then, be labelled as arrogant insiders attacking downtrodden outsiders like immigrants, workers, and minorities. Instead, the right-wingers are more justly portrayed as outsiders and underdogs, raising their anger and frustration against the insiders: the "media elite" and the "leftists and the artists".

  • 10.
    Adamson, Göran
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    Svensk mångfaldspolitik: et studie i opportunisme2016In: Multikulturalismens fælder: Mørklægning og moralisme i medier, forskning og politik / [ed] Necef Ûmit, Mehmet och Bech Dyrberg, Torben (red.), Fredriksberg: Samfundslitteratur , 2016, p. 63-88Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 11.
    Adamson, Göran
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    Was National Socialism Anti-Sex?: On Left-Wing Fantasies and Sex as the Dark Matter of Politics2017In: Society, ISSN 0147-2011, E-ISSN 1936-4725, Vol. 54, no 1, p. 23-28Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Drawing on an extensive amount of work by other researchers, as well as some literary sources from the time, Goran Adamson discusses the widespread view that Nazism was anti-sex. Indeed, during Nazi rule homosexuality and street prostitution were persecuted, and Jews and “degenerates” were prevented from having sex (not merely by law, but by elimination). However, reported circumstances such as cheap access to condoms, a high number of pregnancies during party rallies, and quasi-religious cultivation of “the Germanic sexual instinct” would suggest that matters may have been much less restrictive for the majority of Germans. The idea of an overall Nazi anti-sex attitude may well have been constructed by intellectuals from the Freudian Left/Frankfurt School, especially their theories of an intimate connection between sexual repression and authoritarianism. Such views gained widespread popularity with the 68’ generation, and they were an essential reason why sexuality came to be considered the cure for all social evils. This overestimation of the significance of sexual liberation, and recent conservative reactions to it, constitute an important part of today’s political landscape.

  • 12.
    Adamson, Göran
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    Why Do Right-Wing Populist Parties Prosper?: Twenty-One Suggestions to the Anti-Racist2019In: Society, ISSN 0147-2011, E-ISSN 1936-4725, Vol. 56, no 1, p. 47-58Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    In this piece, Goran Adamson argues that the anti-racist rhetoric is naive and dangerously counter-productive. In theory, they refer to populist parties fueling on the anti-racist elite’s outcries. In practise, however, the anti-racists have forgotten all about it, and seem to believe that right-wing populism will vanish if only it is told off. Shocked, anti-racists say populist parties gain voters despite having certain views. But nobody votes on a party despite its view. True to leftist sensationalism, anti-racists always talk about fascism within right-wing populist parties, thereby overlooking a wide array of other causes for voter appeal. Prone to instant aggression, anti-racists react with fury to any populist provocation, thereby contributing to the meteoric rise of contemporary populism in the West. Instead of conducting a proper analysis, anti-racists say how can people vote on these parties and so on - much like an anti-racist bourgeoisie. Anti-racists, Goran Adamson claims, seem to think knowledge of right-wing populism is compromising, as if you would be tainted by it. In fact, it is the other way around. Criticism requires knowledge - and an ignorant anti-racist might, in the long run, have no power to resist the allure of right-wing populism. People vote on right-wing populist parties, anti-racists maintain, because these people fail to understand. But they claim they do, even though they have reached other conclusions. The responsibility of the financial and political classes for provoking popular reactions is minimized, while the distress among ordinary people is belittled or moralized. The political class ignores a central leftist principle: social behavior has often political/economic explanations. As a direct result of multiculturalism, the pet theory among anti-racists, society’s underprivileged groups - domestic workers and migrants - are in constant conflict instead of uniting against globalization and neoliberal deregulation. This is called divide and rule. In their quest for ideological purity, any anti-EU sentiment, anti-racists claim, is right-wing extreme, hence driving scores of voters into the arms of right-wing populism. These parties are further boosted by the fact that anti-racists sneer at family values and cultural traditionalism. Vocal victims of EU’s austerity measures are dismissed as right-wingers, further fueling political polarization. Popular and populist, anti-racists maintain, is basically the same thing. As a result, democracy becomes politically tainted, and the anti-racist elites are the only safe-guard against unaccountable elites. Right-wing populists never cease to talk about our roots, while multiculturalists never stop talking about roots overseas. Save for that geographic detail, they are two branches of the politicalromantic tree. Right-wing populist parties prosper, but not despite anti-racist efforts, Goran Adamson argues, but as a result of them.

  • 13.
    Adamson, Göran
    et al.
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    Rauhut, Daniel
    University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Finland.
    Inledning2018In: Kejsarens nya kläder: om New Public Management och de svenska universitetens sönderfall / [ed] Göran Adamson och Daniel Rauhut(red), Academic Rights Watch , 2018, p. 9-22Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 14.
    Ahlrot, Rebecca
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    Egen härd är guld värd: En studie om individer med missbruks- och boendeproblematik med insats i form av beroendestöd i hemmet2017Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This study aims to investigate how individuals with a combined substance abuse and housing problems describe their views on their addiction, their homes and the help they receive through the care of the community social service agencies. In light of the insufficient scien-tific evidence in the fields of substance abuse and housing support, the purpose of this paper is to gain increased knowledge in the both fields. An acquisition of increased knowledge is needed and important from a societal perspective as well as from an individual perspective.

    The fact that the economic resources in society are put on actions that is utilized to increase the ability of the individual to recover from substance abuse and housing problems is of benefit to society, but above all it benefits the individual. The individual becomes an asset to society instead of a continued drain on community resources. Increased knowledge in the field can contribute to learning for those in the field, but also for others interested.

    This concept is in line with Work Integrated Learning (= AIL). The study is based on eight interviews and the methodology and analysis are inspired by the phenomenological perspec-tive. The results shows that all interviewed informants find dependencies in the home as sup-port in the form of two aspects, partly as a relative support and partly as a daily support. The results further shows that the abuse, for many, resulted in isolation from family and non-addicted friends. Additionally, the home is seen as a basis for security and integrity.

  • 15.
    Aidermo, Josefin
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    När jag går till stallet kan jag slappna av och vara mig själv: En kvalitativ studie om unga kvinnors upplevelser av att hålla på med ridsport2017Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Inledning: Det finns relativt lite forskat kring ämnet om hur ridsport påverkar människor och speciellt hur den påverkar människor som är fysiskt och psykiskt friska. Utifrån det väcktes ett intresse i att undersöka hur en grupp unga kvinnor upplever sig påverkas av ridsporten utifrån ett salutogent perspektiv.  Syfte:  Syftet med föreliggande studie är att utifrån unga kvinnors perspektiv studera och analysera hur de påverkas och upplever sig utvecklas av att hålla på med ridsport samt se till vilken betydelse hästen har för dem. Vidare kommer deras upplevelser förstås utifrån begreppet känsla av sammanhang (KASAM).   Metod:  I föreliggande studie valdes kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer utifrån att de ansågs kunna svara på syftet och forskningsfrågorna på bästa sätt. Intervjuerna spelades in och materialet har transkriberats för att senare kodas, tematiserats och summerats. Ett bekvämlighetsurval samt målinriktat urval användes och det genomfördes fyra stycken intressanta intervjuer med personer som har erfarenhet av att vara eller är aktiva inom ridsporten. Resultat:   Resultatet visar att ridsporten bidrar till en mängd positiva faktorer. Bland annat blir personerna lyckliga av att vara i stallet, de utvecklar personliga färdigheter i form av ansvarsförmågor, ledarskapsförmågor och ökat självförtroende. Det finns en stor gemenskap och hästen har en betydelsefull roll. Sett utifrån känsla av sammanhang bidrar ridsporten till känsla av meningsfullhet, hanterbarhet och begriplighet. Deras upplevelser av ridsporten kan förklaras utifrån KASAM-begreppet och de bidrar följaktligen till en ökad hälsa.  

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  • 16.
    Alexandersson, Jenny
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    Vikten att vara en bra boendecoach: En studie om hur personal på HVB-hem arbetar med empowerment och delaktighet för att förbereda ensamkommande ungdomar till ett självständigt liv.2017Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Studien har i avsikt att undersöka hur personalen på HVB-hem arbetar för ensamkommande ungdomar och hur personalen förbereder dem för ett självständigt liv, med hjälp av empowerment och delaktighet. För att få en djupare förståelse utifrån personalens perspektiv valde vi att använda oss av kvalitativ metod, där vi gjorde fem semistrukturerade intervjuer av anställda på tre olika HVB-hem. För att analysera empirin utgick vi från Lindgren (2015) analysmetod "the constant comparative method". Resultatet som gestaltas visar på att personal lägger stor vikt vid relationer till ungdomarna, samt att motivationsarbete och delaktighet finns i det mesta som görs. Genom att använda empowerment ökades ungdomarnas självständighet genom motivation och stöd. Dessutom med hjälp av delaktighet som verktyg kunde man få ungdomarna bli aktiva och på så vis bli mer självständiga i vardagliga arbetssysslor. Vi drog slutsats om att genom delaktighet fick man empowerment och vice versa. I resultatet kunde vi även se att personalen fungerade som en pålitlig och trygg vuxen i ungdomarnas närhet. Vi fann dessutom ett samband mellan självkänsla och självständighet, kunde ungdomen öka sin självkänsla ökades även deras självständighet.

  • 17.
    Alm, Erika
    et al.
    University of Gothenburg, Department of Cultural Sciences, Gothenburg, Sweden.
    Berg, Linda
    Umeå University, Umeå Centre for Gender Studies, Umeå, Sweden.
    Lundahl Hero, Mikael
    University of Gothenburg, School of Global Studies, Gothenburg, Sweden.
    Johansson, Anna
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    Laskar, Pia
    Department of Research and Collections, National Historical Museums of Sweden, Stockholm, Sweden.
    Martinsson, Lena
    University of Gothenburg, Department of Cultural Sciences, Gothenburg,Sweden.
    Mulinari, Diana
    University of Lund, Department of Gender Studies, Lund, Sweden.
    Wasshede, Cathrin
    University of Gothenburg, Department of Sociology and Work Science, Gothenburg, Sweden.
    An Epilogue2021In: Pluralistic Struggles in Gender, Sexuality and Coloniality: Challenging Swedish Exceptionalism / [ed] Alm, Erika; Berg, Linda; Lundahl Hero, Mikela; Johansson, Anna; Laskar, Pia; Martinsson, Lena; Mulinari, Diana; Wasshede, Cathrin, Palgrave Macmillan, 2021, p. 299-306Chapter in book (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    I den bästa av världar [In the best of worlds]Den bästa av dagar [The best of days]Vi slapp ju nazister [We did not have Nazis]Så vad ska vi klaga? [So what should we complain about?]

    In the above poem, trans* activist and spoken word poet Yolanda Aurora Bohm Ramirez (2018) both names the ways the lives of specific groups of people in Sweden are threatened by the increasing neo-Nazi violence and illuminates the response of the majoritarian population to these threats: their demands of silence where protest and criticism is made nearly impossible.

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  • 18.
    Alm, Erika
    et al.
    University of Gothenburg, Department of Cultural Sciences, Gothenburg, Sweden.
    Berg, Linda
    Umeå University, Umeå Centre for Gender Studies, Umeå, Sweden.
    Lundahl Hero, Mikael
    University of Gothenburg, School of Global Studies, Gothenburg, Sweden.
    Johansson, Anna
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    Laskar, Pia
    Department of Research and Collections, National Historical Museums of Sweden, Stockholm, Sweden.
    Martinsson, Lena
    University of Gothenburg, Department of Cultural Sciences, Gothenburg,Sweden.
    Mulinari, Diana
    University of Lund, Department of Gender Studies, Lund, Sweden.
    Wasshede, Cathrin
    University of Gothenburg, Department of Sociology and Work Science, Gothenburg, Sweden.
    Introduction2021In: Pluralistic Struggles in Gender, Sexuality and Coloniality: Challenging Swedish Exceptionalism / [ed] Alm, Erika; Berg, Linda; Lundahl Hero, Mikela; Johansson, Anna; Laskar, Pia; Martinsson, Lena; Mulinari, Diana; Wasshede, Cathrin, Palgrave Macmillan, 2021, p. 1-18Chapter in book (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The focus of this book is on the many far from predictable transformative political processes on gender, sexuality and coloniality that grow out of the broad range of bodies and actors engaged in politics outside the hegemonic order and in everyday activities. These processes are not conducted by states, governments or transnational nongovernmental organisations; rather, they are examples of politics in-between states, organisations and national imagined communities. In this first chapter we will introduce some of the main themes, regarding these processes we in our joint research programme have worked on over the last couple of years.

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  • 19.
    Alm, Erika
    et al.
    University of Gothenburg, Department of Cultural Sciences, Gothenburg, Sweden.
    Berg, LindaUmeå University, Umeå Centre for Gender Studies, Umeå, Sweden.Lundahl Hero, MikaelUniversity of Gothenburg, School of Global Studies, Gothenburg, Sweden.Johansson, AnnaUniversity West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.Laskar, PiaDepartment of Research and Collections, National Historical Museums of Sweden, Stockholm, Sweden.Martinsson, LenaUniversity of Gothenburg, Department of Cultural Sciences, Gothenburg,Sweden.Mulinari, DianaUniversity of Lund, Department of Gender Studies, Lund, Sweden.Wasshede, CathrinUniversity of Gothenburg, Department of Sociology and Work Science, Gothenburg, Sweden.
    Pluralistic Struggles in Gender, Sexuality and Coloniality: Challenging Swedish Exceptionalism2021Collection (editor) (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    This open access book seeks to understand how politics is being made in a pluralistic sense, and explores how these political struggles are challenging and transforming gender, sexuality, and colonial norms. As researchers located in Sweden, a nation often cited as one of the most gender-equal and LGBTQ-tolerant nations, the contributions investigate political processes, decolonial struggles, and events beyond, nearby, and in between organizations, states, and national territories. The collection represents a variety of disciplines, and different theoretical conceptualizations of politics, feminist theory, and postcolonial and queer studies. Students and researchers with an interest of queer studies, gender studies, critical whiteness studies, and civil society studies will find this book an invaluable resource.

  • 20.
    Almroth, Emma
    et al.
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    Gustavsson, Sarah
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    "Killar och tjejer gör det nog på lite olika sätt": En kvalitativ studie kring hur gymnasieelever upplever tillit och förtroende gentemot skolpersonal2019Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Tillit och förtroende är ett aktuellt ämne i dagens samhällsdebatt. Tillit och förtroende benämns som viktiga komponenter för att samhället ska fortsätta utvecklas. Tillitsnivån ute i Europa anses vara låg medan vi i Norden har hög tillit till den offentliga sektorn. Sverige har höga tillitssiffror men tillitsnivån sjunker bland yngre. Ungdomar spenderar mycket tid i skolan och dess tillit och förtroende till skolpersonal visas vara låg.

    Syftet med studien är att beskriva hur tilliten och förtroendet mellan gymnasieelever och skolans personal upplevs ur elevernas perspektiv.

    Studien har använt en kvalitativ ansats där fokusgruppsintervjuer genomförts med fyra klasser på en gymnasieskola i södra Sverige. Det var tre yrkesförberedande klasser samt en studieförberedande klass. Vidare har en analys genomförts på resultatet med forskning och intersektionell teori. Med stöd av den intersektionella teorin diskuteras skärningspunkterna mellan de olika kategorier som framgick som betydelsefulla för elevernas upplevelser av tillit och förtroende för skolans personal.

    Resultatet visade att tillit och förtroende av eleverna beskrivs som något ömsesidigt, att båda parter har ett gemensamt mål, samt att eleverna upplever att tilliten är högre om skolpersonal är personlig. Analysen visade att kategorier som ålder, kön och klass har en avgörande betydelse för huruvida eleven upplever tillit och förtroende i skolan.

  • 21.
    Alsherefi, Saba
    et al.
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    Sheiday Hashemi, Lina
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    ’’Utan mamma och pappa kan vi inte göra vårt jobb’’: En kvalitativ forskningsstudie utifrån personalens perspektiv av vårdnadshavares delaktighet i deras barns vistelse på HVB2021Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Syftet med vår studie är att ur personalens perspektiv beskriva och analysera föräldrars/vårdnadshavares delaktighet i deras barns placering på Hem för vård och boende. Studien gjordes genom kvalitativ metod i form av fyra semistrukturerade intervjuer med fyra personer som jobbar inom två olika HVB hem i Västra Götalandsregionen. Alla fyra hade någon typ av utbildning inom samhällsvetenskaplig inriktning. Som analysmetod användes tematisering. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna bestod av begreppen empowerment, företrädarskap, delaktighet och makt. Fyra huvudteman identifierades: vikten av vårdnadshavarnas delaktighet, det första mötet, omständigheter som kan begränsa delaktigheten och när konflikter står i vägen för delaktighet för att skapa förståelse kring vårdnadhavaranas delaktighet. Resultatet påvisar att personalens arbetssätt och attityder påverkar på vilket sätt vårdnadshavarna görs delaktiga samt till vilken mån. Däremot visar resultatet att det finns en vilja hos personalen att inkludera vårdnadshavarna mer men att olika faktorer begränsar dem i det arbetet. Sammanfattningsvis kan en förändring i personalens arbetssätt och attityder göra att vårdnadshavare känner sig mer delaktiga samt motiverade till att vara delaktiga i dess barns placering på HVB. 

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  • 22.
    Andersson, Angelika
    et al.
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    Knutsson, Marie
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    “Våga lägga dig i, våga vara lite jobbig”: En kvalitativ studie om socialarbetares förebyggande arbete för att bekämpa mäns våld mot kvinnor2021Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Mäns våld mot kvinnor är ett stort och allvarligt samhällsproblem. Det finns ett flertal åtgärder och insatser för att ta itu med mäns våld mot kvinnor. Trots detta är kvinnors utsatthet fortfarande ett stort problem världen över. Detta fick oss att vilja undersöka hur socialarbetare beskriver sitt förebyggande arbete för att bekämpa mäns våld mot kvinnor. Vidare undersöker vi socialarbetares upplevelser av möjligheter och begränsningar i det förebyggande arbetet. Samhällsinsatser har tidigare lagt mycket fokus på stöd och skydd, men på senare tid har regeringen valt att införa fler förebyggande åtgärder i form av en nationell strategi. Studien utgår från en kvalitativ ansats med semistrukturerade intervjuer som utfördes digitalt. Vidare använde sig studien av ett deduktivt tillvägagångssätt där professionsteorin har styrt studiens fokus. Materialet analyserades sedan med hjälp av tematisk analys som hjälpte oss ta ut väsentliga koder och teman. Detta resulterade slutligen i 3 teman: “förebyggande arbete”, “möjligheter” och “begränsningar”. Resultatet visade att samtliga socialarbetare arbetade förebyggande, men i varierande grad. Samtliga respondenter upplevde kunskap i form av utbildning som en tillgång för att kunna arbeta förebyggande. Några begränsningar som visades var politikers påverkan samt otillräckligt med resurser att tillgå. En ytterligare begränsning var lagstöd som visades ha brister för att ha möjlighet att utföra ett förebyggande arbete. Studien fann att det saknades tydliga metoder och riktlinjer gällande det förebyggande arbetet där vi uppmärksammade att det fortfarande finns mycket kvar att göra för att bekämpa mäns våld mot kvinnor.

  • 23.
    Andersson, David
    et al.
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    Smeds, Elin
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    Existentiell mening: och dess relevans för det sociala och socialpedagogiska arbetet2019Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie är att mot bakgrund av Viktor Frankls teori kring existentiell mening undersöka diakoners erfarenheter av hur människor de möter upplever existentiell mening samt på vilket sätt existentiell mening kan relateras till det socialpedagogiska fältet. Detta eftersom vi under vår utbildning samt i yrkeserfarenheter från fältet upplevt att det existentiella perspektivet saknats. Empirin har samlats in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med diakoner från Svenska Kyrkan. Studiens resultat visade att det finns stora likheter mellan det diakonala och socialpedagogiska fältet. Resultatet visade även att de människor diakonin möter har spörsmål av existentiell karaktär, men att dessa är särskilt framträdande då människor befinner sig i en utsatt eller svår livssituation. Samt att diakonin ofta får träda in när samhällets resurser brister och informanterna efterfrågar ett större samhälleligt ansvar vad gäller att kunna möta människors existentiella spörsmål.

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  • 24.
    Andersson, Mats
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    Drivkrafter för barns överträdelser i skolan: belysta ur ett struktureringsteoretiskt perspektiv2020Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    How children relate to rules has been highlighted in research in which children attach great importance to moral-related rules. How children accept conventional rules depends on what function the rule is perceived to fulfill. What is missing from the research is a dynamic perspective that considers how interacting actors influence each other when conditions change and how this in turn creates new conditions.

    To illuminate this, the study is based on Gidden's theory of structuration which stipulates that people's social actions both shape and are shaped by the structural conditions as opposed to a more structuralist perspective where the actors are seen as subjects to the structure in which they operate. The theory of structuration also enables subordinate actors to exercise control over those with more power.

    The data collection was carried out through participant observations at one school. The object of observation has been incidents where the students acted in a manner incompatible with the conventions of the school. The focus has been on students' utilization of resources in the form of materials and premises.

    The result shows that built-in contradictions in the structural conditions open opportunities for students to take control of the resources that the staff is trying to regulate. When staff try to regain control, it results in unintended consequences due to factors that have not been recognized, which usually offsets the problem and maintains the unwanted utilization of resources.

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  • 25.
    Andersson, Moa
    et al.
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    Andersson, Peter
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    ”Vi har nästan trott att vi gjort DBT, utan att ha gjort det”: En kvalitativ studie om behandlingspersonals upplevelser av DBT2021Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Studiens syfte var att undersöka eventuella möjligheter och utmaningar i det dagliga arbetet med dialektisk beteendeterapi på behandlingshem, utifrån ett behandlarperspektiv. Studien utgick från tre frågeställningar som ämnades besvara behandlingspersonals upplevelser av att arbeta med dialektisk beteendeterapi i vardagen, samt dess möjligheter och utmaningar. Vi genomförde fyra semistrukturerade intervjuer, tre intervjuer med behandlingspersonal och en intervju med en terapeut, som arbetar på behandlingshem. I resultatet av den tematiska analysen blev 6 teman tydliga; nya förhållningssätt, betydelsen av utbildning, det gemensamma ansvaret, vikten av hel DBT, stabil grund och relationsbyggandet. Resultatet går i linje med den tidigare forskning som finns kring ämnet, som visar att utbildning inom dialektisk beteendeterapi har stor betydelse för behandlingspersonalens förhållningssätt och trygghet och att relationsbyggande är en viktig del för utvecklingspotential hos klienterna.Resultaten visar också att det finns utmaningar i motivationsarbetet för klienter som inte påbörjat dialektisk beteendeterapi och att en fullgod behandling behöver innehålla alla delar av dialektisk beteendeterapi.

  • 26.
    Andersson, Thomas
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    "Missbrukare är ju män, kvinnor gör inte det": En studie om bilden av den missbrukande kvinnan, samverkan och arbetsintegrerat lärande2018Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This study is based on a perspective of Work Integrated Learning (WIL) that is intertwined with different theoretical starting points and previous research. The theories used in this study are applied based on gender, power and learning perspectives.

    The purpose of this study is to illuminate and analyze the treatment staff's image of the addictive woman. Employees' perception of collaboration with other actors and professions is also examined and noted on the basis of a Work Integrated Learning.

    The method used in this study consists of focus group interviews, combined with a workshop in which Flanagan's (1954) Critical Incident Technique (CIT) method has become a forum for critical reflection based on an WIL perspective. The study has been methodologically completed with the respondents completing an evaluation. The purpose of the evaluation has been to investigate whether they think the study has been rewarding and instructive.

    The results in this study show that there is a distinction between the sexes within which the man constitutes the norm. The image of the abusive woman shows that social workers are not always neutral but are influenced by social constructivist factors in which issues of gender and power are discussed. In relation to collaboration with other actors, a collaborative process is described that is characterized by several issues that significantly negatively affect the client group. The deficiencies described in the treatment staff and interpretative practices affect the own workgroup's cognitive jurisdiction negatively when other occupational groups take the cognitive control of the tasks.

    The study's results also show that the focus group interviews and the workshop have become a forum for critical reflection in relation to the image of the abusive woman and the problems described in the collaborative process. Normative and forgiven performances have highlighted and all together contributed to a common knowledge development.

  • 27.
    Andersson, Åsa
    et al.
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Pedagogy and Sociology. University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    Beckman, Anita
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Psychology and Organisation Studies. University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division for Educational Science and Languages.
    ”Jag skulle så jätte, jätte, jättegärna vilja ha ett fast jobb att gå till”: Om att vara ung och arbetslös i Västervik2015Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The centre of Child and Youth Studies at University West works strategically with other regional research environments and institutions that study children, youths and young adults. The goal of our research centre is to spread knowledge about the social conditions under which children and young people live, thereby strengthening their position in society. Collaboration with external research environments is one of the ways that our research domain works to reach that goal. Partnerships are formed through a model that strives to create good conditions for both our research and that of our partners. This model is grounded in a dialogue between research partners who work together to select areas of interest and formulate hypotheses. These research projects are financed equally by the university and our partners. The following report is the result of one of  these research partnerships.Advanced industrial society has been replaced by a society based upon knowledge and information where industrial work/manufacturing becomes less common. Västervik is one of the small towns in Sweden whose main industries have closed down or severely decreased their workforce during the last few decades of great structural change. The groups in the job market that have been most affected by these changes are young men and women, something which is evident in the high unemployment rates among the young population. The purpose of this study was to investigate young people’s own experiences and thoughts regarding their own situation as jobseekers in the municipality of Västervik. How do they see themselves and the situation they find themselves in? The narratives were collected in the form of 18 in-depth interviews with young men and women between the ages of 19-25, all them registered at the job center in Västervik. In the report different aspects of their situation are discussed, such as: the young people’s relation to their hometown, their thoughts on the meaning and value of work, the role of education, the economic, social and emotional consequences of unemployment, and their experiences of taking part in various programs for unemployed. The narratives we have encountered can be seen as having some general validity in the sense that many of their experiences are probably shared by other unemployed young people in other locations in Sweden, but Västervik is also a specific town with a specific history and specific conditions.The young men and women have an ambivalent relationship to their hometown. On the one hand they want to start a life in the same location, but on the other, the future there is seen as very uncertain. Many of those interviewed would like to have the kind of industrial jobs that their parents have and grandparents experienced, but which are nowadays less and less common. The norm of a fulltime job is strong among the young men and women – something which strengthens the image of the evident dissonance between their seemingly traditional dreams and intentions and the structures of possibilities the municipality and community suggest for them. Connected to this are the ways the young people must relate to the postindustrial demands of employability – which means the ability to enterprise and market oneself on a competitive market. These demands presuppose abilities that are more likely to be socialized and practiced in certain social environments rather than in others, and the majority of the young men and women interviewed have a background in aworking class environment where these values and approaches are far from selfevident.The socioeconomic marginalization that these young people experienceresults in much curtailed possibilities for a period of youthful experimentation aswell as for an expected adulthood. Being unemployed means one has difficulty ingaining the status of an adult, but due to economic shortages, there are also limits to how much they can take part in this experimental lifestyle that characterizes youth. The young men and women’s situation can thereby be seen as a grey zone; they are neither young nor adults in the normative sense. In some of the narratives the young people express critical thoughts with regard to the social conditions that their difficult situation can be related to. By extension, expressing these thoughts and stating their opinion can be strengthening and mobilizing for them, both as individuals and as a group. Insights may be gained about unemployment as a shared experience rather than as a personal failure

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  • 28.
    Andersson, Åsa
    et al.
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy. Göteborgs universitet.
    Beckman, Anita
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division for Educational Science and Languages.
    Young Working-Class Men Without Jobs: Reimagining Work and Masculinityin Postindustrial Sweden2017In: Masculinity, Labour,and Neoliberalism: Working-Class Men in International Perspective / [ed] Charlie Walker & Steven Roberts (Eds), Cham: Springer Publishing Company, 2017, p. 101-123Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 29.
    Andersson, Åsa
    et al.
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Pedagogy and Sociology. University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    Bohlin, Margareta
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Psychology and Organisation Studies.
    Lundin, Linda
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Psychology and Organisation Studies.
    Sorbring, Emma
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Psychology and Organisation Studies.
    Adolescents' self-defining internet experiences2015In: Technology and youth: growing up in a digital world / [ed] Kinney, David A., Bass, Loretta, Blair, Sampson Lee, Neff Claster, Patricia, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2015, p. 105-131Chapter in book (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    AbstractPurposeThe purpose of this study was to investigate how young women and men perceive the Internet as a phenomenon and what role and meaning they ascribe to the Internet as an arena for defining themselves and for shaping their identity.Methodology/approachThe empirical data consist of narratives written by Swedish adolescents. Using content analysis the analysis was carried out in three steps: (1) finding categories and themes, (2) calculation of statistical differences in category frequencies, (3) a theoretically informed interpretation of central themes, using Bourdieu's concept of different forms of capital, and Giddens' concept of "pure relations."FindingsThe narratives exemplify how computer literacy and technological competence can be converted into social, cultural, and symbolic capital. Gender differences occur both in statistical differences between category frequencies in girls' and boys' narratives and in the interpretation of central themes. But there are also several examples that show more complex and contradictory tendencies, exceeding or transformative of gender differences and hierarchy.Originality/valueThis study considers adolescents' own perspectives on an arena of great importance. The analyses have been performed both qualitatively and quantitatively, which gives a nuanced picture of young people's self-defining experiences on the Internet.

  • 30.
    Andersson, Åsa
    et al.
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division for Educational Science and Languages. University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    Bolin, Anette
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Pedagogy and Sociology.
    Korp, Helena
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division for Educational Science and Languages.
    Work Integrated Learning from the Perspective of Internationalization2012In: The European Conference on Educational Research 2012: The Need for Educational Research to Champion Freedom, Education and Development for All, 2012Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The focus of this presentation is on work integrated learning in higher education that takes place in a cultural context different to that which the student is accustomed to. In higher education internationalization is often stated as a central vision both in relation to education and research. This is commonly expressed in policy documents in statements such as working for an open and border crossing university and having a distinct international perspective in all forms of higher education. The research project “Work integrated learning from the perspective of internationalization” is designed to highlight some of the conditions that surround such visions by examining learning in international settings from students' experiences of practice-related activities abroad. This involves activities that are directly work-oriented or field work carried out within the framework of a university course and / or a bachelor thesis. In the project we are thereby examining students' situated learning and thus highlight the contextual practice community they can access in an international environment. This includes both specific and more general aspects of learning in which different aspects are highlighted. Specific training related to special education programs focus on the development of professional identity while generally learning affects students from all programs in which learning outcomes such as wider perspectives and critical thinking are included.Our research focus is of exploratory nature where the approach is to examine students’ experiences of practice-related learning from the perspective of internationalization. This is being researched from three relating aspects. • Emotional and identity transformational aspects of learning. What does it mean to be in a relatively unknown social environment and there be faced with work-related tasks? What kind of interpretations and understandings of the situations occur? • Communicative aspects of students' practice-oriented learning – the importance of language and cultural codes. • Comparative aspects of students’ learning – the importance of comparisons for perspective taking and development of knowledge.Previous researched has been done on students’ practice-related learning in the field of work integrated learning. The forms of practice-oriented learning are of various kinds. It may be learning through the use of practical training related to establishing a profession-specific knowledge and identity. Other forms are the use of direct working connections or cultural settings outside the university through project work in course moments and / or for a bachelor thesis. What is common to these various forms is an endeavor of higher education to make the arena and cultural settings outside the university to a direct part in students’ learning. Given that the internationalization of higher education has increased, it is important also to examine students’ learning in various international contexts. The relevance of this can be found in theories of learning particularly those focusing on the contextual meaning from the idea that learning originates from the experience of interaction with the environment. Social aspects such as the relational and dialogic qualities are central already in the work of Vygotsky (1962) but according to Cooper (2008), it is only recently that this has been researched from an international perspective.


    The study is based on qualitative interviews with post graduate students who have completed internship or field work abroad. We have conducted in depth interviews using a guide with thematic questions focusing on emotional, communicative and comparative aspects of work integrated learning abroad. When processing the raw information the interviews were digitally-recorded and transcribed verbatim. The sample includes 12 in depth interviews, three students from each four different departments (social work, teacher, health promoter, cultural studies and engineering) at a smaller Swedish university. Another category of material is the interviewed student’s written reports from their field work. A content-analysis is performed on all parts of the material according to the three mentioned aspects. The analysis is abductive, which means that it uses theoretical concepts in making sense of the material, but is also sensitive to the participants' own ways of conceptualizing their experiences and learning. Common as well as unique features in the students' stories will be presented and discussed and considered in regard to the students' personal, institutional and cultural contexts.

    Expected Outcomes

    Preliminary analysis suggest in line with previous studies that the interviewed students' experiences of practice-related learning in a different cultural context show linkage with the phenomenon of sojourning which means taking up temporary residence in another culture. The previous, more linear psychological explanatory model of "adapting" the self in a new country to study or work does not suffice to explain the students' various experiences and learning in their field of study/professional development or on a more general. Our primary analysis of the material rather indicate that these processes are best understood as a complex web of shifting links between mastery of communication, social interaction and personal development. It is the management of this web which gives the result of cross-cultural adaptation and renegotiation of the "identity". As previous studies in the field have shown, personal, educational and psychological factors are as important as organizational and social-cultural factors for influencing the learning outcome (Qing et al 2010). And when it comes to identity formation practice related learning abroad also shows deeply personal transformative possibilities (Ryanand & Viete 2009).


    Cooper, G. (2008) "Assessing International Learning Experiences: A Multi-Institutional Collaboration". In: Phi Kappa Phi Forum/ Vol. 88 Qing, G., Schweisfurthb, M. & Daya, C. (2010) "Learning and growing in a 'Foreign' Context: Intercultural Experiences of International Students" In: A Journal of Comparative & International Education. Vol.40, No. 1. Ryan, J. & Viete, R. (2009) “Respectful interactions: learning with international students in the English-speaking academy”. In: Teaching in Higher Education, Vol. 14, No. 3 Vygotsky, L. (1962) Thought and language. Cambridge: MA: M IT press

  • 31.
    Aro, Anni
    et al.
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    Olsson, Elvira
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    "Utan samverkan så når vi ingenstans": En kvalitativ studie om hur drogförebyggande samordnare upplever sitt arbete2020Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Kommunerna i Sverige ska arbeta med att förebygga ungas användande bland annat av alkohol och narkotika. Vissa kommuner har anställt en eller flera drogförebyggande samordnare. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur drogförebyggande samordnare upplever sitt arbete. Fyra drogförebyggande samordnare från tre olika kommuner deltog i studien. En kvalitativ ansats med semistrukturerade intervjuer har använts för att samla in empirin. Det empiriska materialet analyserades med en tematisk analys och tar sin utgångspunkt i begreppet handlingsutrymme. Resultatet presenterades utefter tre centrala delar i arbetet, hitta och förmedla kunskap, konsultativt arbete och samsyn och hitta organisatoriska vägar för samverkan. Att samla in och sprida kunskap är en central del i de drogförebyggande samordnarnas yrkesroll. De drogförebyggande samordnarna behöver samverka för att kunna utföra sitt uppdrag. För att samverkan ska kunna ske behövs en stabilitet som skapas av det formella och informella handlingsutrymmet.

  • 32.
    Arvidsson, Anna
    et al.
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    Helgesson, Anna
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    "SIP är så mycket mer än en skriftlig plan": En kvalitativ studie som undersöker olika professionella aktörers erfarenheter av samordnad individuell plan2020Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Samhället kan behöva träda in och stötta personer som lider av psykisk ohälsa, då de ofta lider av ensamhet och isolering i större utsträckning än övriga befolkningen. 2010 tillkom en lagändring som innebär att kommun eller region skall upprätta en samordnad individuell plan (SIP) om myndigheterna anser att det behövs för att den enskilde skall få sina behov tillgodosedda. Intentionen med samordnad individuell plan (SIP) är att tydliggöra för hur samordningen av insatser skall fördelas när den enskilde har behov av insatser från både kommun och region. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka olika professionella aktörers erfarenheter av användandet av samordnad individuell plan (SIP). Kvalitativ ansats användes, en rektor, en enhetschef, en sjuksköterska samt en biståndshandläggare intervjuades. För att informanterna skulle ges möjlighet att berätta om sina erfarenheter utifrån sitt eget perspektiv genomfördes halvstrukturerade intervjuer. Vid analysen användes kodning, tematisering och summering för att både organisera det insamlade materialet men även se vilka framträdande mönster som växte fram. Analysen är gjord i förhållande till studiens teoretiska utgångspunkt, samverkansteori samt tidigare forskning. Resultatet visar att en oberoende SIP-ledare skulle kunna öka brukares delaktighet då denne inte är part i ärenden. Vidare visar resultatet att förförståelse för de olika professionernas skilda förutsättningar redan innan mötet kan vara en av nycklarna till en lyckad samverkan. I resultatet framkommer även att solid utbildning kring samordnad individuell plan (SIP) saknas från arbetsgivaren. Slutligen visar studien att samverkansverktyget SIP är en komplicerad företeelse som präglas av såväl möjligheter som utmaningar och att det krävs ett maximalt engagemang från samtliga inblandade aktörer men även stöd från ledning för att nå en gynnsam samverkan.

  • 33.
    Assmo, Per
    et al.
    University West, School of Business, Economics and IT, Divison of Law, Economics, Statistics and Politics.
    Winman, Thomas
    University West, School of Business, Economics and IT.
    Vesterlind, Marie
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    Hälsofrämjande integration och jämlik folkhälsa: Ett forsknings- och utvecklingsprojekt i samarbete mellan Högskolan Väst och Uddevalla kommun2020Report (Other academic)
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  • 34.
    Augustsson Karlsson, Maria
    et al.
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    Jönsson, Elisabeth
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    Jourhemmens dilemman: En studie om samverkan mellan jourhem och socialtjänst samt kring barns anknytningsprocess2018Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Att under en kort tid skapa trygghet och ge omsorg till ett okänt barn som befinner sig i en krissituation är en av de utmaningar som jourfamiljen ställs inför.

    Syftet med studien är att beskriva och analysera dilemman som jourhemsföräldrar och familjehemssekreterare/barnutredare identifierar i relation till jourhemsuppdraget och vilken betydelse det kan medföra för att ge förutsättningar för barns anknytningsprocess.

    Sex personer, samtliga kvinnor, har deltagit i studien, tre jourhemsmammor, två familjehemssekreterare och en barnutredare. För att få personernas egna beskrivningar kring ämnet har en kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer använts. För att analysera materialet användes en tematisk analysmetod. De mönster och teman som framkom har analyserats och diskuterats med hjälp av anknytningsteorin, utvecklingsekologin och tidigare forskning inom området.

    Resultatet visar på att jourhemsuppdraget är tufft, slitsamt och det kräver snabba beslut trots bristande information kring barnet. Samtidigt upplevs jourhemsuppdraget meningsfullt och viktigt. Jourhemmen efterfrågar handledning och ett utökat stöd från familjehemssekreterare/barnutredare. Det framkom även att jourhemmen efterfrågade uppföljning med familjehemssekreterare/barnutredare efter avslutat uppdrag. Familjehemssekreterare/barnutredare gör mycket men är medvetna om att de borde göra mer för sina jourhem. Resultatet visar även på jourhemmens svåra balansgång att knyta an lagom för att sedan kunna släppa barnet vidare.

    För att främja en trygg anknytning behöver jourhemmen få de förutsättningar som behövs. Dessa kan skapas genom god samverkan med familjehemssekreterare/barnutredare i form av, handledning, information, utbildning och regelbundet stöd under hela uppdraget.

  • 35.
    Backelin, Anna
    et al.
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    Lejdström, Pontus
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    Att fånga upp elever i en unik arena: Förutsättningar för skolpersonal att uppmärksamma och arbeta med elever på högstadiet som lever under hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck2017Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The aim of our study was to get to know the conditions for detecting and working with pupils who live with honour related violence and oppression in a secondary school in Sweden. More specific we were interested in the perspective of school staff, which we collected with semistructured interviews in a small Swedish municipality. Our study was conducted partly in cooperation with the municipality where the school was located. In order to gain a deeper understanding of our object of study, the conditions for detection of and working with pupils that live with honour related violence and oppression expressed by school staff. We used psychological and physical tools, and the zone of proximal development from a culturalhistorical psychology as scientific concepts. These concepts also helped us to present our findings in a more effective way. Our findings pointed to three areas of contact where different professions could detect, get connected and start a relationship with a pupil who might live with honour related violence and oppression. These three areas were identified as each having some different opportunities and conditions regarding the possibility to detect and successively work with this group of pupils. Our findings also point to the need for education about honour related problems for school staff, especially the teachers who were noted to be a group in need of knowledge regarding these issues. One important condition in working with pupils living with honour related violence and oppression was the need for clear rolls of responsibility and knowing who to contact in certain situations.

  • 36.
    Baker, Dean
    et al.
    Örebro Universitet, Örebro.
    Quennerstedt, Mikael
    Örebro universitet,Örebro.
    Johansson, Anna
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    Korp, Peter
    Göteborgs universitet, Göteborg.
    Physical Education Teachers and Competing Obesity Discourses: An Examination of Emerging Professional Identities2021In: Journal of teaching in physical education, ISSN 0273-5024, E-ISSN 1543-2769, Vol. 40, no 4, p. 642-651Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Aim: To provide insight into how physical education teachers use discursive resources related to obesity to create particular professional identities. Method: Data come from focus group and individual interviews with physical education teachers in Sweden. Discourse theory on teacher identities frame the analysis of the empirical material. Results: Data suggest that teachers in Sweden make use of six distinct but related discursive contributions to produce three professional identities: the caring practitioner, an identity concerned with ensuring all pupils irrespective of size participate in physical education; the activity luminary, an identity that focuses on inspiring pupils toward activity across the lifespan, and; the body rationalist, an identity concerned with challenging unrealistic media discourses and reassuring pupils that they have “normal” bodies. Discussion: The identities appear more inclusive, sensitive, and critical than current physical education literature on obesity suggests, however they also contain elements that are fundamentally unsympathetic to overweight individuals.

  • 37.
    Barker, Dean
    et al.
    School of Health Sciences, Örebro University, Örebro (SWE).
    Quennerstedt, Mikael
    School of Health Sciences, Örebro University, Örebro (SWE).
    Johansson, Anna
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    Korp, P.
    Department of Food and Nutrition, and Sport Sciences, Gothenburg University, Gothenburg (SWE).
    Fit for the job?: How corporeal expectations shape physical education teachers’ understandings of content, pedagogy, and the purposes of physical education2021In: Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, ISSN 1740-8989, E-ISSN 1742-5786, p. 1-14Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Background: People often expect physical education teachers to look fit and athletic, to do lots of physical activity, and to eat well. While ample research exists on physical education teachers’ bodies, relatively few scholars have investigated how physical educators relate corporeal expectations to broader ideas about subject content, pedagogy, and the purposes of the school subject. Aim: The specific aim of the paper is to identify the assumptions about content, pedagogy, and educational purposes that teachers make when they talk about a perceived need for physical educators to look fit and athletic. Method: To frame our work theoretically, we draw from a Swedish didaktik of physical education tradition and employ Bakhtin’s concept of speech genres, and Wertsch’s concept of privileging. Our empirical material consists of transcripts generated from 6 focus group and 6 individual interviews (24 teachers in total, average age of 40 years, average teaching experience 11 years). Findings: Data suggest that when teachers use an ‘athletic-looking teacher as healthy role model’ speech genre, they tend to privilege: (1) a particular version of health as subject content that involves not being too overweight and maintaining physical functionality in sports. This content is based on biomedical conceptions of health which foreground exercise, eating and weight, and a pathogenic reduction of risk; (2) particular pedagogies in PE that put the teacher at the centre of the pedagogical situation, and; (3) a certain educational purpose in PE, which is to educate citizens for healthy lives through participation in sport. With respect to this purpose, increasing body weight enters the genre as a potential obstacle for educational success. Discussion: The findings raise questions concerning appropriate curricular content and its relation to teacher identities. They suggest that learning possibilities may be missed when certain content, pedagogies, and outcomes are privileged. The findings also indicate how wider voices are implicated in the speech genre. Conclusion: The paper is concluded with reflections on the possibility for change regarding expectations of physical education teachers’ bodies and pedagogies.

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  • 38.
    Barria Rodriguez, Claudia
    et al.
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    Lindgren, Sylwia
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    "Detta är inte bara min arbetsplats, utan mitt liv": En kvalitativ studie om diakonins sociala arbete2020Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Diakonal verksamhet utgör en viktig roll i arbetet med människor som hamnat i utsatta positioner i samhället. Verksamheten har sina rötter i den kristna traditionen och bistår dessa människor genom att fylla behov de har, erbjuda gemenskap samt visa kärlek. Detta arbete syftar till att beskriva hur detta arbete bedrivs av diakoner, hur de går tillväga för att hjälpa de individer de möter, vilka handlingsutrymmen yrket har samt vilka hinder, möjligheter och utmaningar diakoner ställs inför i sitt arbete. Utifrån begreppen gemenskap och utsatthet, handlingsutrymme och medkänsla söker vi ge en bild av denna gren inom social arbete. Materialet i denna uppsats grundar sig i en genomgång av diakonins historia, tidigare forskning, en genomgång av teoretiska perspektiv samt kvalitativa intervjuer med fem diakoner verksamma i Svenska kyrkans diakonala verksamhet. Studien belyser det diakonala utifrån tre olika teman - kärlek och omsorg, makt och framtidstro. Igenom dessa beskrivs hur diakonalt arbete bedrivs bland annat genom dess förmåga att inkludera människor oberoende av exempelvis kön, etnicitet och trosuppfattning, en insyn i hur maktstrukturer ser ut inom diakonin samt hur diakonalt arbete bidrar till att klienter får en tro på framtiden.

  • 39.
    Bengtsson, Staffan
    et al.
    Högskolan i Jönköping, Hälsohögskolan.
    Svensson, Lars A.
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Pedagogy and Sociology. University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    Erkännandets pedagogik: exemplet lärcenterbaserad utbildning2013In: Gemenskaper: Socialpedagogiska perspektiv / [ed] Eriksson, Lisbeth, Nilsson, Gunilla & Svensson, Lars A., Göteborg: Daidalos, 2013, p. 181-207Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 40.
    Bengtsson, Staffan
    et al.
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Pedagogy and Sociology.
    Svensson, Lars A.
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Pedagogy and Sociology. University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    Närhet och kommunikation på distans: en studie om hur studenter och lärare beskriver och upplever lärcenter/högskolecentrumbaserad utbildning2011Report (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Since 2003 the University West in Sweden offers distance courses in Social work and Social pedagogy. The three year program is given in collaboration with a number of local learning centers throughout the country. The technology of videoconferencing enables the teacher to interact with students even though they are separated geographically.

    The study deals with this kind of education seen from the perspective of both students and teachers. The main objective is to illuminate significant aspects of this kind of phenomenon in terms of how students and teachers describe and experience problems and potential embedded in this model. The discussion rests on four overall questions:

    1) What are the motives for students to choose this kind of education?

    2) What kind of expectations did the students have before they started the program?

    3) How do students experience/describe strengths and weaknesses connected to this model?

    4) What experiences do the teacher's have working with this kind of distance education?

    The empirical data has been collected using mainly group interviews and observations. The analysis rests heavily on theories concerning symbolic interactionism and socio-cultural learning. The study underlines that both students and teachers embrace the potential in this form of education, giving more groups the possibility of combining their studies with a sense of regional belonging. However the interviews and observations also reveal weaknesses with this kind of educational model. There is a risk that students at the local learning centers consider themselves as being excluded by teachers and other students at campus; and that the gap between the university and the local learning centers becomes too wide. To prevent this from happening communication and confirmation from the teacher is crucial. But eventhough this scrutiny identifies weaknesses within the technology of videoconferencing, technology alone does not determine the outcome of the teaching. If a teacher manages to show great engagement and structure, this functions as a mechanism weakening the barrierof technology. At the same time it is clear that the model of videoconferencing, from a teacher perspective, can be an obstacle, which emphasizes the importance of developing the technology further and how this technology is being handled by the teacher.

    Finally, we consider the model with local learning centers and videoconferencing as a unique model for education, but that the model, when it comes to areas such as pedagogy, organization and technology, must be allowed to function and develop according to its own premises. 

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  • 41.
    Bengtsson, Staffan
    et al.
    Hälsohögskolan i Jönköping.
    Svensson, Lars A.
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Pedagogy and Sociology. University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    Projektmänniskan: arbetsrehabiliteringens möte med den enskilde2014In: Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv, ISSN 1400-9692, E-ISSN 2002-343X, Vol. 20, no 2, p. 25-40Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [sv]

    Artikeln handlar om hur välfärdsorganisationer och deras tjänstemän kopplade till aktivitets- och sysselsättningsåtgärder agerar i mötet med den enskilde och vilka berättelser som skapas om individerna. Artikeln diskuterar hur projektdeltagaren omgärdas av en fortgående medikalisering och en social fragmentisering, där projektdeltagarens problematik reduceras och där individens egen röst tycks få ett begränsat utrymme.

  • 42.
    Beran Hadin, Emma
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    Människa i första hand: En etnografisk studie av en mötesplats för socialt utsatta, med fokus på besökarnas upplevelser av bemötande och inklusion2017Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Den här uppsatsen handlar om betydelsen av en mötesplats för människor i social utsatthet. När det gäller att nå samhällets mest utsatta är den sociala frivilligsektorn framstående. Orsaker till detta tycks vara den medmänsklighet, de låga trösklar och den välkomnande anda som är kännetecknande för verksamheter inom just frivilligsektor. Verksamheterna drivs ofta i form av mötesplatser, som har visat sig vara ett kraftfullt verktyg i motverkandet av stigma och exkludering. Syftet med denna uppsats var att ta reda på vad en mötesplats kan betyda för människor med personlig erfarenhet av social utsatthet och exkludering, och hur de upplever personalens bemötande. Detta studerades utifrån socialpedagogiska idéer om gemenskap och inklusion. Studien tar avstamp i ett café som drivs av ett antal kristna församlingar och som riktar sig till människor i utsatta situationer. Samspel och bemötande har observerats och ett tjugotal besökare intervjuats genom fältintervjuer. Även personal har intervjuats för en mer heltäckande bild. Materialet har analyserats med hjälp av tematisk analys, och inklusion använts som teoriram. Resultatet visar att caféet har stor betydelse för besökarna. Att vara på caféet innebär att grundläggande behov tillgodoses genom att det erbjuds mat, värme och gemenskap. Caféet visar sig också fungera som en fredad zon, där besökarna beskriver att de känner sig välkomna och accepterade som de är. Besökarna upplever att de blir lyssnade på och att de får ett gott stöd. Att få hjälpa andra beskrivs som mycket betydelsefullt, och de besökare som har ett missbruk menar att caféverksamheten på olika sätt ger dem styrka och motivation att hålla sig borta från missbruket. Slutligen diskuteras studiens resultat och viktiga erfarenheter i relation till socialt arbete och socialpedagogik.

  • 43.
    Berg, Linda
    et al.
    Umeå University, Umeå Centre for Gender Studies, Umeå, Sweden.
    Johansson, Anna
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    Laskar, Pia
    Department of Research and Collections, National Historical Museums of Sweden, Stockholm, Sweden.
    Martinsson, Lena
    University of Gothenburg, Department of Cultural Sciences, Gothenburg,Sweden.
    Mulinari, Diana
    University of Lund, Department of Gender Studies, Lund, Sweden.
    Wasshede, Cathrin
    University of Gothenburg, Department of Sociology and Work Science, Gothenburg, Sweden.
    Contesting Secularism: Religious and Secular Binary Through Memory Work2021In: Pluralistic Struggles in Gender, Sexuality and Coloniality: Challenging Swedish Exceptionalism / [ed] Alm, Erika; Berg, Linda; Lundahl Hero, Mikela; Johansson, Anna; Laskar, Pia; Martinsson, Lena; Mulinari, Diana; Wasshede, Cathrin, Palgrave Macmillan, 2021, p. 269-297Chapter in book (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The notion of Sweden as a secular nation-state, or rather the linkage between notions of secularism and gender equality, is strong in public discourse. Within this frame, religion is located in a traditional past and often understood as a hindrance to liberal and modern values.In this chapter we focus on our own situatedness as feminist researchers living in Sweden and thereby explore how, where and why ideologies of secularism entangled with notions of European values and superiority become dominant. Inspired by the feminist tradition of memory work, an aim is to explore the boundary between the secular and the religious through our own experiences and from our location in Sweden. The aim is also to search for counter-memories, both in the doing of secular (gendered) selves as well as the ongoing production of the "religious other".

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  • 44.
    Bergenhus, Elin
    et al.
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    Ljungman, Emma
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    ”En utförlig genomförandeplan blir på så sätt så himla personlig”: En kvalitativ studie om äldres delaktighet i genomförandeplaner2021Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    I Socialtjänstens allmänna råd om värdegrunden för omsorg om äldre (SOSFS 2012:3) står det att verksamheter inom socialtjänsten aktivt skall arbeta med självbestämmande och delaktighet. Personal skall ha ett förhållningssätt som inbjuder den äldre personen att föra fram sina åsikter och önskemål. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur personal arbetar med att göra äldre personer bosatta på särskilt boende delaktiga i upprättandet av deras egen genomförandeplan. Studien genomfördes med en kvalitativ ansats och datainsamlingen gjordes genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med personal inom äldreomsorgen. I studien intervjuades fyra personer från två olika verksamheter i två medelstora kommuner i Västra Götaland angående hur de ser på äldres delaktighet i genomförandeplaner. För att analysera empirin användes den tematiska analysmetoden. Vid analysarbetet så användes begreppen empowerment, företrädarskap och delaktighet i relation till empirin och den tidigare forskningen. Resultatet visar att äldres delaktighet i genomförandeplaner ses som önskvärt samt att det är viktigt för äldre att ges möjlighet till att vara delaktiga vid upprättandet efter den enskildas egna förmåga. Författarna anser även att delaktighet för äldre i genomförandeplaner är något som ständigt kan bli påverkat av andra faktorer så som sjukdomstillstånd, relationen mellan äldre och personal, verksamhetens resurser eller eventuella feltolkningar angående personer med demens och deras olika behov. Personalens inställning kring äldres delaktighet har en stor inverkan på möjligheten för att äldre skall få känna autonomi. Sammanfattningsvis om personal ser på individer som att de inte har möjlighet eller kan vara delaktiga blir dessa individer heller inte det.

  • 45.
    Bergfalk, Simone
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    Vad är det egentligen det står?: En granskning av hur kön skrivs i bilderböcker2021Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Det finns en allmän uppfattning att det gör våra barn gott att vi läser för dem. Att läsa bygger ett brett ordförråd och skapar en möjlighet att för barnet att lära sig saker om världen och samhället. Det ordas dock inte så mycket om vilken värld och vilket samhälle barnet får lära sig om i bilderböcker. Det syftar denna uppsats hänge sig åt, en del av det i vart fall. Nämligen hur kön reproducerar i bilderböcker och vilken diskurs bilderböcker för gällande könets inverkan på karaktärers möjligheter. Genom en kritisk diskursanalys granskas en topp100 lista över mest lånade bilderböcker i Göteborg 2019. Böckerna granskas utifrån vilka möjligheter och beskrivningar de olika könen har i bilderböcker och vilka allmängiltiga sanningar det går att finna om kön i bilderböckerna. Resultatet landar i att då böcker ur serier tar upp många av topplistans placeringar och det utöver det inte finns överhängande likheter mellan bilderböckernas beskrivning av kön att det inte går att presentera en allmängiltig sanning om kön utifrån denna studie. Däremot finns det flera lexikaliseringar och flera sociala ordningar värda att lyfta och diskutera i bilderböckerna även om de är kopplade till samma karaktärer så blir det repeterade för barn i olika böcker. 

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  • 46.
    Berggren, Malin
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    "Det är good enough": En kvalitativ studie om lärarens komplexa roll i arbetet med elever med en neuropsykiatrisk funktionsnedsättning2020Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Background: Comprehensive school absence for so-called Home sitting can have major consequences for the student later in life and it can persist right up to adulthood. Students with neuropsychiatric disabilities (NPF) such as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are a large proportion of home residents. According to the National Agency for Education, all students, regardless of disability, have the right to leadership and stimulation in the school. The pupil will develop and on the basis of his / her own conditions, they will reach their knowledge development. The school must, under the teacher's responsibility and guidance, offer the support and teaching that the student needs to achieve the curriculum's goals.

    Aim: The overall purpose is to investigate how teachers work to facilitate students with a neuropsychiatric disability to participate in primary school teaching.

    Method: Qualitative methodology was used in the study and data were collected by eight semi structured interviews conducted with teachers working with students with neuropsychiatric disabilities in a school context. The result has been analyzed with thematic analysis.

    Results and conclusions: During the analysis, four themes of the teacher's complex role emerged, Focused on the student's individual needs, Security for the student and Collegial support as important in the teachers' work. Teachers use strategies, clarifying pedagogy, analog and digital teaching aids to facilitate the student with neuropsychiatric diagnosis. Clarifying pedagogy and aids in all honor is important in teaching but it is the teacher's relationship creation to the student with neuropsychiatric disability that makes the student come to school

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  • 47.
    Bergman, Mikael
    et al.
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    Johansson, Stefan
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    Kränkningar på sociala medier: en del av ungdomars vardag2017Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The social media center is a platform where most of the young people are online a considerable time of their freetime. The new arena to socialize has many advantages, such as containing and exploring the social life. At the same time there are benefits with the huge activity on the internet. There are also plenty of risks such as sleep disorders, internet addiction and internet violations. The purpose of the study is to examine the youth's perception of what kind of violations there are on the social media center and how they may be prevented and inhibited.

    The study has a qualitative approach where our results and analysis are based on three semistructured life-world interviews in form of focus groups. The young people of the study attend a secondary school in a smaller town in southern Sweden and are anonymous in the study. We have used the symbolic interactionism as a theoretical reference framework, where the "definition of the situation", "social interaction", "symbols" and "emphasis on activity" are our theoretical concepts.

    The results of our study show that offensive images and offensive comments about the sexual orientation, political opinion and appearance are the most common violations of social media. It has been shown to be a hard climate on social media and that violations can be seen openly, especially in social media where users can be anonymous. The young participants of the study believe that one of several ways to prevent these violations are through better understanding and continuous discussion among adults and teenagers.

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  • 48.
    Berlin, Johan
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Pedagogy and Sociology. University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    Artefakters organiserande funktion2016In: Team i vård, behandling och omsorg: Erfarenheter och reflektioner / [ed] Johan Berlin, Håkan Sandberg, Lund: Studentlitteratur AB, 2016, 2:a, p. 227-248Chapter in book (Refereed)
  • 49.
    Berlin, Johan
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    Teamarbete2019In: Sjuksköterskans kärnkompetenser / [ed] Leksell, Janeth & Lepp, Margret, Stockholm: Liber, 2019, 2. upplagan, p. 139-158Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 50.
    Berlin, Johan
    University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.
    Överbelastning i människobehandlande organisationer: en jämförelse mellan socialtjänst, sjukvård och polis2023In: Människobehandlande organisationer: Villkor för ledning, styrning och professionellt välfärdsarbete / [ed] Johansson, S. Dellgran, P. & Höjer, S, Natur och kultur, 2023, 2., p. 234-252Chapter in book (Refereed)
    Abstract [sv]


    Människobehandlande organisationer är en antologi som ger en bred överblick över välfärdens kärnverksamheter, vården, skolan och omsorgen, och beskriver vad som utmärker och skiljer dessa verksamheter från privata företag och organisationer när det gäller uppdrag, organisation, ledarskap och förändringsarbete.

    I den första utgåvan från 2015 var utgångspunkten de förändringar som globaliseringen, teknikutvecklingen och marknadiseringen i form av New Public Management (NPM) medfört för de människobehandlande organisationerna. I denna andra utgåva har författarna, förutom att uppdatera och förnya innehållet utifrån aktuell forskning, även tagit hänsyn till andra betydande händelser i omvärlden, som flyktingkrisen i mitten av 2010-talet och coronapandemin. Dessutom har de följt upp det ökande intresset för granskning och kontroll och den växande kritiken mot NPM. Är alternativet en mer tillitsbaserad ledning och styrning inom välfärdssektorn?

    Sex nya kapitel har tillkommit. De tar upp kunskapsbildning och forskning om människobehandlande organisationer, migration och flyktingmottagande, hur man hanterar hög belastning inom grässrotsbyråkratier, standardisering och horisontell kunskapsstyrning, chefers roll och vardag inom socialtjänsten samt tillsyn inom social barnavård.

    Människobehandlande organisationer vänder sig till studerande på socionom-, läkar-, vård- och lärarutbildningar liksom studerande inom ekonomi, statsvetenskap, psykologi, sociologi och offentlig förvaltning. Den är även avsedd för praktiskt verksamma i människobehandlande organisationer.

    Bokens redaktörer Staffan Johansson, Peter Dellgran och Staffan Höjer är professorer i socialt arbete vid Göteborgs universitet. Övriga författare är forskare inom socialt arbete eller angränsande områden vid ett flertal svenska universitet.

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