Hur stress och oro hanteras är avgörande för hälsan. För att utveckla kunskapen om stresshantering syftar denna studie till att undersöka skillnader i förekomst och samband mellan problemfokuserad, emotionsfokuserad och undvikandeorienterad coping samt defensiv pessimism. En kvantitativ enkätundersökning genomfördes med 62 KBT-studenter och 87 övriga studenter från olika utbildningar. Resultaten visade att KBT-studenter använder problemfokuserad coping mer än övriga studenter, att övriga studenter använder emotionsfokuserad coping mer än KBT-studenter, samt att äldre KBT-studenter använder defensiv pessimism mindre än yngre KBT-studenter. Dessutom hittades ett negativt samband mellan problemfokuserad och emotionsfokuserad coping och ett positivt samband mellan emotionsfokuserad coping och defensiv pessimism. Sammanfattningsvis visar studien att det finns samband mellan, samt ålder- och utbildningsskillnader i användande av olika copingstrategier.
Research has indicated that patients in-session experience of previously avoided affects may be important for effective psychotherapy. The aim of this study was to investigate patients in-session levels of affect experiencing in relation to their corresponding levels of insight, motivation, and inhibitory affects in initial Experiential Dynamic Therapy (EDT) sessions. Four hundred sixty-six 10-min video segments from 31 initial sessions were rated using the Achievement of Therapeutic Objectives Scale. A series of multilevel growth models, controlling for between-therapist variability, were estimated to predict patients adaptive affect experiencing (Activating Affects) across session segments. In line with our expectations, higher within-person levels of Insight and Motivation related to higher levels of Activating Affects per segment. Contrary to expectations, however, lower levels of Inhibition were not associated with higher levels of Activating Affects. Further, using a time-lagged model, we did not find that the levels of Insight, Motivation, or Inhibition during one session segment predicted Activating Affects in the next, possibly indicating that 10-min segments may be suboptimal for testing temporal relationships in affective processes. Our results suggest that, to intensify patients immediate affect experiencing in initial EDT sessions, therapists should focus on increasing insight into defensive patterns and, in particular, motivation to give them up. Future research should examine the impact of specific inhibitory affects more closely, as well as between-therapist variability in patients in-session adaptive affect experiencing.
Research has indicated that patients’ in-session experience of previously avoided affects may be important for effective psychotherapy. The aim of this study was to investigate patients’ in-session levels of affect experiencing in relation to their corresponding levels of insight, motivation, and inhibitory affects in initial Experiential Dynamic Therapy (EDT) sessions. Four hundred sixty-six 10-min video segments from 31 initial sessions were rated using the Achievement of Therapeutic Objectives Scale. A series of multilevel growth models, controlling for between-therapist variability, were estimated to predict patients’ adaptive affect experiencing (Activating Affects) across session segments. In line with our expectations, higher within-person levels of Insight and Motivation related to higher levels of Activating Affects per segment. Contrary to expectations, however, lower levels of Inhibition were not associated with higher levels of Activating Affects. Further, using a time-lagged model, we did not find that the levels of Insight, Motivation, or Inhibition during one session segment predicted Activating Affects in the next, possibly indicating that 10-min segments may be suboptimal for testing temporal relationships in affective processes. Our results suggest that, to intensify patients’ immediate affect experiencing in initial EDT sessions, therapists should focus on increasing insight into defensive patterns and, in particular, motivation to give them up. Future research should examine the impact of specific inhibitory affects more closely, as well as between-therapist variability in patients’ in-session adaptive affect experiencing.
Arbetsmarknadens förändringar i form av högre arbetstakt, tillfälliga anställningar och krav på flexibla arbetsvillkor, gör att allt fler upplever stress i arbetslivet. Långvarig stress medför stora hälsorisker för individen. Eftersom många av dagens sjukskrivningar beror på stressrelaterade sjukdomar, såsom depression och utmattning är det viktigt att studera metoder för stresshantering på arbetsplatsen. Beröring i form av massage kan minska stress hos individer samt fungerar som ett komplement i behandlingen för stressrelaterade sjukdomar. Ett fältexperiment med 28 tjänstemän utfördes för att undersöka om en kortvarig massage på arbetstid kunde inverka positivt på den arbetsrelaterade stressen jämfört med en avslappningsövning och vanlig rast. Studien visade signifikant minskning av stressnivån efter massageinterventionen. Resultatet ger en antydan om att upplevelsen av stress går att reducera med hjälp av fysisk beröring. Stickprovets storlek samt förväntnings- effektens inverkan på resultatet diskuteras.
Mismatch negativity (MMN) is a neural correlate of the preattentive detection of any change in the acoustic characteristics of sounds. Here we provide evidence that violations of a purely phonological constraint in a listener's native language can also elicit the brain's automatic change-detection response. The MMN differed between Finnish and Estonian listeners, conditions being equal except for the native language of the listeners. We used two experimental conditions: synthetic vowels in isolation and the same vowels embedded in a pseudo-word context. MMN responses to isolated vowels were similar for Finns and Estonians, while the same vowels in a pseudoword context elicited different MMN patterns depending on the listener's mother tongue.
The current study is the first to investigate confabulatory introspection in relation to clinical psychological symptoms utilizing the Choice Blindness Paradigm (CBP). It was hypothesized that those with obsessive-compulsive symptoms are more likely to confabulate mental states. To test this hypothesis, an experimental choice blindness task was administered in two nonclinical samples (n = 47; n = 76). Results showed that a confabulatory introspection is significantly related to obsessive-compulsive symptoms. There was evidence for its specificity to symptoms of OCD depending on the obsessional theme addressed in the choice blindness task. However, confabulatory introspection was also found to be relevant to other symptoms, including depression and schizotypy. The results highlight a potentially fruitful new area of clinical investigation in the area of insight and self-knowledge, not limited to OCD alone, but potentially other disorders as well.
Syftet med studien var att undersöka individers emotionella upplevelser och emotionsreglering i samband med nedskärningsprocess på ett industriföretag. Urvalet bestod av individer som varit med om en nedskärningsprocess och fått behålla sin anställning, antingen på samma tjänst eller blivit omflyttade till annan tjänst. Data samlades in genom fokusgruppsintervjuer och analyserades med induktiv tematisk analys. Resultatet indikerar att de emotionella upplevelserna av nedskärningsprocessen förändrades över tid liksom emotionsregleringen vid de olika faserna i processen. Resultaten från de olika grupperna vad gäller emotionell reaktion skiljer sig åt framförallt vid tidpunkten för beslut om behållande av anställning. En slutsats är att snabb och tydlig information i samband med nedskärningsprocessens olika faser leder till mer positiva emotionella upplevelser, vilket bidrog till att nedskärningsprocessen som helhet upplevdes som positiv. Företagsledningens agerande, som visade på handlingskraft, ledde till ett ökat förtroende för företagsledningen.
Children with language impairment (LI) and children with typical development (TD) were assessed by their respective parents using The MacArthur Communicative Development Inventories (Swedish version SECDI) and Greenspan Socio Emotional Growth Chart (GSEGC). The aim was to investigate socio-emotional and language development in children with LI and TD with respect to possible differential patterns and relations between the groups. The results highlight a clear association between language and socio-emotional development. Children with LI were rated similar to young language-matched children with TD, but significantly lower relative to age-matched TD children, particularly concerning symbolic stages of development: the use of linguistic symbols as well as related areas such as symbol play and symbolic mental ability. The results are discussed in light of presumable background factors and possible consequences for children or sub-groups of children with LI.
There is limited knowledge of cognitive outcome extending beyond 5 years after childhood traumatic brain injury, CTBI. The main objectives of this thesis were to investigate cognitive outcome at 6-14 years after CTBI, and to evaluate if advancements in the neurosurgical care, starting 1992, did influence long-term outcome and early epidemiology. An additional aim was to study the relationship between early brain injury parameters and early functional outcome. Study 1 evaluated cognitive progress during 14 years after CTBI, over three neuropsychological assessments in 8 patients with serious CTBI. Study 2 used patient records to investigate early epidemiology, received rehabilitation and medical follow up in two clinical cohorts, n=82 and n=46, treated neurosurgically for CTBI before and after 1992. An exploratory cluster analysis was applied to analyse the relation between early brain injury severity parameters and early functional outcome. In Study 3, participants in the two cohorts, n=18 and n=23, treated neurosurgically for CTBI before and after 1992, were subject to an extensive neuropsychological assessment, 13 and 6 years after injury, respectively. Assessment results of the two cohorts were compared with each other and with controls. Data were analysed with multivariate analyses of variance. Results and discussion. There were significant long-term cognitive deficits of similar magnitude and character in the two cohorts with CTBI, treated before and after the advancements in neurosurgical care. At 6-14 years after injury, long-term deficits in verbal intellectual and executive functions were found, and were discussed in terms of their late maturation and a decreased executive control over verbal memory-functions after CTBI. Visuospatial functions had a slightly better long-term recovery. The amount of rehabilitation received was equally low in both cohorts. The length of time spent in intensive care and the duration of care in the respirator may have a stronger relationship to early outcome than does a single measure of level of consciousness at admission. Main conclusions are that cognitive deficits are apparent at long-term follow up, 6-13 years after neurosurgically treated CTBI, even after advancements in the neurosurgical care in Sweden. Measures of verbal IQ, verbal memory and executive functions were especially low while visuospatial intellectual functions appear to have a better long-term recovery.
With the aim of describing variability in the long-term outcome of quality of life after neurosurgically treated pediatric traumatic brain injury, mostly self-reports of 21 individuals with mild or moderate/severe injury were gathered using Mayo-Portland Adaptability Inventory in telephone interviews 13 years aftyer injury. A majority of the participants reported brain injury-related problems. The median outcome on Mayo-Portland Adaptability Inventory was mild to moderate limitations. The variation within the moderate/severe group varied between relatively good outcome and moderate/severe limitations. Concentration, irritability, fatigue, and transportation were reported as the most problematic areas, whereas self-care was reported as well functioning. Societal participation appeared to be the best functional domain in this Swedish study. Examples of individual reports of the life-situation at various outcome levels were provided. Variability in outcome is large within severity groups, and research may gain by addressing both outcomes of the individuals and groups. Objective questions of outcome should be accompanied by questions of actual functioning in everyday life. To ensure long-term support for quality of life for those with remaining dysfunction after pediatric traumatic brain injury, healthcare systems should implement systematic routines for referral to rehabilitation and support.
Influence of childhood traumatic brain injury (TBI) on cognitive recovery and subsequent development is poorly understood. In this longitudinal study we used cluster analysis to explore acute stage individual profiles of injury age and cognition in 118 children with traumatic brain injury. Repeated measures of cognitive function were conducted at 30 months, indicating recovery, and 10 years post-injury, indicating development. Nine clusters were identified. Recovery was evident in three clusters, two of them with low functioning profiles. Developmental gains occurred for three clusters and an acute profile of higher freedom from distractibility (FFD) and lower processing speed (PS) was related to positive differences. One cluster, average low functioning and especially low verbal comprehension, demonstrated a slower development than peers. This suggests that developmental change after TBI in childhood takes place on a continuum, with both chance of long-term catching up, and risk of poor development. An acute profile of higher FFD and lower PS seemed to reflect injury consequences and were followed by developmental gains. These results challenge previous findings, and warrant further investigation.
Objective: To investigate the impact of time since injury on neuropsychological and psychosocial outcome after serious TBI in childhood or adolescence. Methods: The subjects were eight patients with serious TBI sustained at a mean age of 14 years who had been assessed neuropsychological at one, seven and 14 years after TBI. A retrospective longitudinal design was chosen to describe the development in six neuropsychological domains on basis of the assessments. Psychosocial data were gathered from clinical knowledge and a semi-structured interview at 14 years after TBI. Results: Performance of verbal IQ shows a declining trend over the three assessments, that the performance of attention and working memory is low and that verbal learning is the cognitive domain, which exhibits the largest impairments. The main psychosocial result is that three of the eight subjects go from a school situation with no adjustments to adult life with an early retirement. Conclusions: Time since insult is an important factor when assessing outcome after TBI in childhood and adolescence and that assessment of final outcome should not be done before adulthood.
Objective: To explore the cognitive long term outcome of two cohorts of patients neurosurgically treated for childhood traumatic brain injury (CTBI), either in 1987-1991 according to an older concept, or 1997-2001 with a stronger emphasis on volume targeted interventions. Research design and methods: Participants in the two cohorts were subject to an extensive neuropsychological assessment, 13.2 and 6.1 years post injury, respectively. In a between group design, assessment results of the two cohorts, n 18 and n 23, were compared to each other and to controls. Data were analyzed with multivariate analyses of variance. Results: Long-term cognitive deficits for both groups of similar magnitude and character were observed in both groups. Abilities were especially low regarding executive and memory function and verbal IQ. The cognitive results are discussed in terms of vulnerability of verbal functions and decreased executive control over memory-functions. Conclusions: There is a definite need for long term follow up of cognitive deficits after neurosurgically treated CTBI, also with the newer neurosurgical concept. Verbal learning and the executive control over memory functions should be addressed with interventions aimed at restoration, coping and compensation.
Reproducibility is a defining feature of science, but the extent to which it characterizes current research is unknown. We conducted replications of 100 experimental and correlational studies published in three psychology journals using high-powered designs and original materials when available. Replication effects were half the magnitude of original effects, representing a substantial decline. Ninety-seven percent of original studies had statistically significant results. Thirty-six percent of replications had statistically significant results; 47% of original effect sizes were in the 95% confidence interval of the replication effect size; 39% of effects were subjectively rated to have replicated the original result; and if no bias in original results is assumed, combining original and replication results left 68% with statistically significant effects. Correlational tests suggest that replication success was better predicted by the strength of original evidence than by characteristics of the original and replication teams.
The aims of the study were (1) to investigate the effects of participation in low impact body conditioning classes on physical fitness in sedentary women at different ages and (2) to examine the correspondence between physical self-concept and participation in, and fitness change after, the participation. Ninety-two sedentary women (mean age 44.2 years) participated in 11-weeks of bi-weekly classes that included cardiovascular, strength, core, endurance and mobility exercises, all performed in synchrony with music. Cardiorespiratory fitness, maximal lifting strength, mobility and balance tests were performed pre- and post the exercise period and the short-form Physical Self-Description Questionnaire (PSDQ-S) was completed. Zero-order Spearman correlation analyses showed that women who rated the PSDQ-S dimension Sport competence higher participated in a larger number of sessions (rs=0.24, p=0.040). At post-tests, all participants had increased their balance, the participants aged 20-34 years had increased their lifting strength, and the participants aged 35-65 years had increased their cardiorespiratory fitness and mobility. Most PSDQ-S dimensions did not affect performance change, but the perception of being physically active was related to increased cardiovascular fitness. We conclude that women with a sedentary lifestyle who wish to increase their physical capacity benefit from music exercise and that inquiries about perceived sport competence and physical activity can improve recommendations made by strength and conditioning professionals.
Många rekryteringsmetoder som används i dag, som CV och referenstagning, har enligt studier låg validitet, däremot visar många studier att personlighet är stabilt över tid och därför är en mer valid prediktor för att kunna predicera arbetsprestation. Studiens syfte var att undersöka Shapes, ett internetbaserat personlighetstest, och dess arton kompetensdimensioner med test-retest utifrån tre frågeställningar. En datainsamling med 91 deltagare (29 män och 62 kvinnor) gjordes vid två tillfällen med tre veckors mellanrum. Deltagarna delades upp i kön- och åldersgrupper för att se skillnad över tid inom grupperna. Medelvärdesskillnader och korrelationer över tid jämfördes där resultatet visade att det fanns positiva samband mellan båda testtillfällena på samtliga dimensioner. Sju av de arton dimensionerna hade skillnader på medelvärde från testtillfälle ett och testtillfälle två. Detta skulle kunna bero på att Shapes inte är tillräckligt tillförlitligt för att mäta dessa dimensioner eller att dessa dimensioner inte är stabila över tid.
Background: Hyperacusis is intolerance of certain everyday sounds that causes significant distress and impairment in social, occupational, recreational, and other day-to-day activities.
Objective: The aim of this report is to summarize the key findings and conclusions from the Third International Conference on Hyperacusis.
Topics covered: The main topics discussed comprise (1) diagnosis of hyperacusis and audiological evaluations, (2) neurobiological aspect of hyperacusis, (3) misophonia, (4) hyperacusis in autism spectrum disorder, (5) noise sensitivity, (6) hyperacusis-related distress and comorbid psychiatric illness, and (7) audiologist-delivered cognitive behavioral therapy for hyperacusis.
Conclusions: Implications for research and clinical practice are summarised.
Kronisk smärta och emotionell problematik verkar dela flera faktorer med varandra, men i den transdiagnostiska forskningen är det oklart vilka faktorer som är centrala i utvecklingen av olika problematiker. I den här studien har ruminering, oro och beteendemässigt undvikande undersökts som transdiagnostiska faktorer för kronisk smärta och social ångest. Studien bygger på data från Trestadsstudien, en longitudinell populationsstudie som sträckte sig mellan 2012–2018 i centrala Sverige. Stickprovet inkluderade ungdomar i årskurs 7–9 (N = 1453) från arton kommunala skolor. Syftet med studien var att utforska prevalensen av kronisk smärta, social ångest och samsjuklighet mellan problematikerna. Syftet var också att undersöka om kronisk smärta och social ångest är riskfaktorer för varandra och om eventuella samband kunde förklaras av mediation genom ruminering, oro eller beteendemässigt undvikande, samt om kön kunde moderera mediationerna. För att undersöka detta genomfördes logistiska regressionsanalyser och mediationsanalyser. Resultaten indikerar att prevalensen av kronisk smärta, social ångest och samsjukligheten ökade över tid, särskilt för tjejer. Analyserna antyder även att kronisk smärta och social ångest var signifikanta riskfaktorer för varandra två år senare (OR = 1.7 - 1.9). Även om detta stöder en transdiagnostisk syn kunde inte sambanden förklaras av mediationsanalyserna i någon stor utsträckning. Detta kan bero på metodologiska brister med konstrukten eller att det finns andra faktorer som bättre förklarar sambanden. Framtida forskning behöver undersöka effekten av andra transdiagnostiska faktorer och hur olika typer av transdiagnostiska faktorer samverkar med varandra för att leda till utveckling av kronisk smärta och social ångest.
Detta notat ger en översiktlig bild av den obligatoriska grundutbildningen till lokförare i Sverige och belyser i vilken mån simulatorbaserad träning förekommer inom utbildningen. Rapporten visar vilka möjligheter och begränsningar som finns med att öka användningen av simulatorer i lokförarutbildningen, samt beskriver de viktigaste styrdokumenten för lokföraryrket och lokförarutbildningen. Vidare presenteras Transportstyrelsens utbildningsplan för förarbevis och de aktörer som bedriver grundutbildning, fortbildning och examination. Trafikverkets E-Learning för ERTMS, ERSA-simulatorn samt operatörsspecifika ERTMS-utbildningar vid SJ och Green Cargo beskrivs. Forskarna har dessutom undersökt svenska tågoperatörers och utbildares nuvarande användning och framtida behov av simulatorer för grund- och fortbildning av lokförare. Exempel från andra domäner där simulatorer används i utbildningssammanhang lyfts också fram i rapporten.
Syftet med denna studie var att genom intervjuer beskriva olika betingelser som motiverar män att söka hjälp för sitt våldsutövande i nära relationer samt beskriva olika betingelser som är avgörande för om man fullföljer den planerade behandlingen eller inte. Den tredje frågeställning var om de här beskrivningarna kunde ge idéer om vilka behandlingsinslag som bidrar till att män fullföljer behandlingen som syftar till att man slutar använda våld. Tre män intervjuades tre gånger under sin behandling, det vill säga i början, i mitten och i slutet av behandlingen. Intervjuerna genomfördes under sammanlagt sex månader. Intervjuerna följde en intervjuguide och var halvstrukturerade.
Gemensamt för alla tre män som är avgörande för att de söker hjälp och fullföljer sin behandling är när de upplevde att deras våldshandlingar fick allvarliga konsekvenser både för sig själva och för sin omgivning.
En annan avgörande motiverande faktor för dessa män var att de upplevde att gruppledarna för behandlingsgruppen gav utrymme för allas berättelser. Männen uttrycker att de får ett utrymme för att själva reflektera över den situation som de befinner sig i utan en alltför styrande, kontrollerande attityd från gruppledarna. Detta förhållningssätt från gruppledarna verkar stärka männens motivation till att fortsätta behandlingen och därmed göra förändringen möjligt.
Mötet med de andra deltagarna är en central motivationsfaktor för att genomföra behandlingen. Känslan att man inte är ensam, att man delar med sig av sina egna erfarenheter, att man känner igen sig, att se värre konsekvenser för andra deltagare är viktiga faktorer i förändringsarbetet.
Motivationen verkar vara motorn eller drivkraften i själva förändringsarbetet. Denna undersökning pekar i riktning att motivationen verkligen är en dynamisk och föränderlig process som påverkas av många olika komponenter, inte minst i relation till andra människor.
Under de senaste åren har mobbning alltmera börjat upplysas. Mobbning sker ofta i skolorna i form av trakasserier, kränkningar, verbalt och fysisk våld. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka samband mellan mobbning, anknytning och självkänsla, och vilken sätt anknytning och självkänsla samverkar med mobbning. Resultat kring mobbning i denna studie har visat att det finns samband mellan självkänsla, anknytning och mobbning. Vidare visade analyser att mobbningsbeteende var signifikant mer frekvent hos pojkar än hos flickor. Regressionsanalys visade dock att endast självkänslan har en samverkan på mobbning hos pojkar, medan hos flickor, hade både anknytning till föräldrar och självkänsla en samverkan på mobbning.
The aim of this study was to evaluate changes in long-term health care costs and symptom severity after adjunctive intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy (ISTDP) individually tailored and administered to patients with bipolar disorder undergoing standard psychiatric care. Eleven therapists with different levels of expertise delivered an average of 4.6 one-hour sessions of ISTDP to 29 patients with bipolar disorders. Health care service costs were compiled for a one-year period prior to the start of ISTDP along with four one-year periods after termination. Two validated self-report scales, the Brief Symptom Inventory and the Inventory of Interpersonal Problems, were administered at intake and termination of ISTDP. Hospital cost reductions were significant for the one-year post-treatment period relative to baseline year, and all cost reductions were sustained for the follow-up period of four post-treatment years. Self-reported psychiatric symptoms and interpersonal problems were significantly reduced. These preliminary findings suggest that this brief adjunctive psychotherapy may be beneficial and cost-effective in select patients with bipolar disorders, and that gains may be sustained in long-term followup. Future research directions are discussed.
This study examined the effects of trial therapy interviews using intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy with 500 mixed sample, tertiary center patients. Furthermore, we investigated whether the effect of trial therapy was larger for patients who had a major unlocking of the unconscious during the interview compared with those who did not. Outcome measures were the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) and the Inventory of Interpersonal Problems (IIP), measured at baseline and at 1-month follow-up. Significant outcome effects were observed for both the BSI and the IIP with small to moderate preeffect/posteffect sizes, Cohen's d = 0.52 and 0.23, respectively. Treatment effects were greater in patientswho had a major unlocking of the unconscious comparedwith thosewho did not. The trial therapy interview appears to be beneficial, and its effects may relate to certain therapeutic processes. Further controlled research is warranted.
This study aims to explore the impact of negative life events on identity development through a qualitative systematic literature review and qualitative content analysis. The research seeks to understand how negative life events trigger identity crises and influence self-perception. Method: A systematic search was conducted in the PsycInfo and PubMed databases, resulting in the selection of 12 relevant studies for analysis. Themes were identified through qualitative content analysis to elucidate the effects of negative life events on identity. Results: The analysis revealed that negative life events can lead to both identity challenges and personal growth. The findings underscore the importance of supporting individuals experiencing identity crises for authentic identity development. Conclusion: Understanding the complexities of identity formation in the face of adversity is crucial for providing effective support and interventions. Further research in this area is essential for enhancing our knowledge of how individuals navigate identity development amidst negative life events.
The aim of our study was to investigate HVB-home staff's perceptions of the temporary asylum law's impact on unaccompanied minors’ motivation for integration into Swedish society. On 24 November 2015, the government presented a temporary law to reduce the number of asylum seekers. The temporary law was intended to apply for three years and meant that Sweden went from having generous asylum legislation to following the EU's line for a minimum level for receiving asylum seekers. All asylum-seeking groups, such as refugees and people in need of protection, would receive temporary residence permits, except that there were exceptions for quota refugees who could obtain permanent residence permits. In the study, we used a qualitative method and conducted semi-structured interviews with five staff who had previously worked with unaccompanied children. Results from both interviews and previous research show that there are several factors that affect the mood of unaccompanied children and their integration into Swedish society. The study showed that previous psychological trauma, long waiting times for information about residence permits, loneliness and lack of meaningful activity had a negative impact on unaccompanied children's mood and motivation for integration.
There is a lack of free software that provides a professional and smooth experience in text editing and markup for qualitative data analysis. Word processing software like Microsoft Word provides a good editing experience, allowing the researcher to effortlessly add comments to text portions. However, organizing the keywords and categories in the comments can become a more difficult task when the amount of data increases. We present WordCommentsAnalyzer, a software tool that is written in C# using .NET Framework and OpenXml, which helps a qualitative researcher to organize codes when using Microsoft Word as the primary text markup software. WordCommentsAnalyzer provides an effective user interface to count codes, to organize codes in a code hierarchy, and to see various data extracts belonging to each code. It also offers basic visualization tools. We illustrate how to use this software by conducting a preliminary content analysis on Tweets with the #successfulaging hashtag. We also demonstrate that the software has satisfactory performance on a large dataset of Iranian journals abstracts. We hope this open-source software will facilitate qualitative data analysis by researchers who are interested in using Word for this purpose.
Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka copingstrategier samt livstillfredsställelse bland studenter. Ett ytterligare syfte var att dels undersöka eventuella skillnader mellan män och kvinnor gällande vilka copingstrategier som används mest, dels skillnader i sambandet mellan copingstrategier och livstillfredsställelse. Undersökningen genomfördes genom en elektronisk enkät. Urvalet var ett tillfällighetsurval av kvinnor och män i åldrarna 18- 47 som studerade vid ett universitet. Totalt 128 stycken deltagare, 44 män och 84 kvinnor. Deltagarna besvarade en enkät som bestod av bakgrundsfrågor och mätinstrument som mätte stresshantering och livstillfredsställelse. Resultatet visade att de mest använda copingstrategierna var aktiv coping, planering och accepterande. Slutsatsen är att män och kvinnor skiljer sig i avseende på copingstrategier samt att livstillfredsställelse korrelerar med copingstrategier.
Nyckelord: Stress, studenter, copingstrategier, livstillfredsställelse
Syftet med studien har varit att undersöka hur en grupp anställda inomen statlig myndighet har upplevt sin arbetsmiljö vid hemarbete underpandemin. För att svara på syftet har vi utgått från tre frågeställningar 1) Hur har de upplevt sin psykosociala arbetsmiljö, 2) Hur har de upplevt sin fysiskaarbetsmiljö, 3) Hur har de upplevt sin organisatoriska arbetsmiljö. Vi har valt att arbeta utifrån kvalitativ metod och intervjuat respondenter utifrån en semistrukturerad intervjuguide. Resultatet av intervjuerna har analyseratsmed hjälp kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Material till bakgrunden har inhämtats från tidigare forskning, rapporter och kartläggningar. Resultatet visar på att växla från kontor till hemarbete har inneburit en stor omställning för alla arbetstagarna, erfarenheter innehåller både negativa och positiva aspekter av övergången till hemarbete. Negativa erfarenheterna har beskrivits i form av försämrat kollegialt och chefsstöd, avsaknaden av ergonomiska och tekniska förutsättningar, fysiska besvär samt känslan av ensamhet. Positiva erfarenheter har varit ökad fokus och därmed förbättrad produktion och ökad balans mellan arbetsliv och privatliv.
Of the estimated 35.3 million refugees around the world (UNHCR, Figures at a Glance, 2022), approximately 50% are children under the age of 18. Refugee adolescents represent a unique group as they navigate developmental tasks in an unstable and often threatening environment or in resettlement contexts in which they often face marginalization. In addition to physiological, social, and psychological changes that mark adolescence, refugee youth often face traumatic experiences, acculturative stress, discrimination, and a lack of basic resources. In this consensus statement, we examine research on refugee adolescents' developmental tasks, acculturative tasks, and psychological adjustment using Suarez-Orozco and colleague's integrative risk and resilience model for immigrant-origin children and youth proposed by Suarez-Orozco et al. Finally, we discuss recommendations-moving from proximal to more distal contexts.
Föreliggande studie undersökte hur kriminalvårdare upplever emotionellt arbete och i vilka situationer det förekommer. En kvalitativ stidie genomfördes och åtta kriminalvårdare anställda på ett häkte i Sverige intervjuades. Deras svar analyserades genom inuktiv tematisk analys. Analysen ledde till tre huvudteman: hantering av negativa känslor, konsekvenser för privatlivet och situationer där emotionellt arbete uppkommer. Resultat visade att emotionellt arbete har en negativ inverkan på kriminalvårdares välbefinnande och att de upplever negativa konsekvenser av det dagligen. Respondenterna uttryckte behov av hjälp och svårigheter att klara av utmaningar med emotionellt arbete på egen hand. De signalerade också bris på hälsosam återhämtning. Respondenterna visade oro över att förlora egen personlighet samt att kontinuerlig emotionellt arbete på ett häkte påverkar privat liv negativt.
This study was designed to examine the relationships between problem-solving skills, hardiness, and perceived stress and to test the moderating role of hardiness in the relationship between problem-solving skills and perceived stress among 500 undergraduates from Malaysian public universities. The analyses showed that undergraduates with poor problem-solving confidence, external personal control of emotion, and approach-avoidance style were more likely to report perceived stress. Hardiness moderated the relationships between problem-solving skills and perceived stress. These findings reinforce the importance of moderating role of hardiness as an influencing factor that explains how problem-solving skills affect perceived stress among undergraduates.
Suicide is a serious and growing public health problem and remains an unnecessary cause of death globally. In Iran, the highest prevalence of acute and chronic suicidal ideation is among young people aged 16-24. This study investigates the relationship between coping style, two types of perfectionism, and suicidal ideation among undergraduates, and examines coping style as a moderator of the relationship between perfectionism and suicidal ideation. Multi-stage cluster random sampling was employed to recruit 547 undergraduate students aged 19-24 years from the Islamic Azad University of Karaj. Structural Equation Modelling indicated that suicidal ideation was negatively associated with adaptive perfectionism and task-focused coping but positively associated with emotion-focused coping, avoidance coping, and maladaptive perfectionism. Coping style (including the three styles of task-focused, emotion-focused, and avoidance coping) was found to moderate the relationship between perfectionism and suicidal ideation. The study advances understanding of the importance of coping style in this context and explains how perfectionism affects suicidal ideation.
Because it remains one of the third leading causes of death among adolescents around the world, suicide is a major public health concern. This study was designed in response to this concern by examining the relationships among perceived stress, emotional intelligence, and suicidal ideation and to test the moderating role of emotional intelligence in the relationship between perceived stress and suicidal ideation. A sample of depressed adolescents (n = 202) was recruited from five hospitals in Tehran, Iran, and then asked to complete measures of patient health, suicidal ideation, perceived stress, and emotional intelligence. Structural Equation Modeling showed that depressed adolescent in-patients with high levels of perceived stress and low levels of emotional intelligence were more likely to report suicidal ideation. Multi-group analysis indicated that depressed in-patients high in both perceived stress and emotional intelligence had less suicidal ideation than others. The findings support the notion that perceived stress acts as a vulnerability factor that increase suicidal ideation among depressed inpatients. Suicidal history moderated the relationship between emotional intelligence and suicidal ideation. These findings also highlight the importance of emotional intelligence as a buffer in the relationship between perceived stress and suicidal ideation.
Recent evidence suggests that test anxiety is increasing among students; however, relatively little is known regarding the related factors of test anxiety. The purpose of this study was to (1) examine the relationships between two forms of perfectionism, academic hardiness, and test anxiety, and (2) examine the moderating role of academic hardiness on the association between two types of perfectionism and test anxiety. This study included 520 students ranging from 15 to 21 years of age from eight high schools in Tehran, Iran completed the self-administered questionnaires. The results of Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) revealed that students with high levels of personal standards perfectionism and high levels of academic hardiness were less likely to experience test anxiety, while students with high levels of evaluative concerns perfectionism were more likely to experience test anxiety. A multi-group analysis revealed that academic hardiness moderated the relationship between evaluative concerns perfectionism and test anxiety. These findings enhance existing literature by revealing moderating processes that explain how perfectionism effects test anxiety.
One of the biggest barriers in treating adolescents with mental health problems is their refusing to seek psychological help. This study was designed to examine the relationships between two forms of perfectionism, self-concealment and attitudes toward seeking psychological help and to test the mediating role of self-concealment in the relationship between perfectionism and attitudes toward seeking psychological help among Malaysian high school students. The participants were 475 Malaysian high school students from four high schools in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Structural equation modelling results indicated that high school students with high levels of socially prescribed perfectionism, high levels of self-concealment, and low levels of self-oriented perfectionism reported negative attitudes toward seeking psychological help. Bootstrapping analysis showed that self-concealment emerged as a significant, full mediator in the link between socially prescribed perfectionism and attitudes toward seeking psychological help. Moderated mediation analysis also examined whether the results generalized across men and women. The results revealed that male students with socially prescribed perfectionism are more likely to engage in self-concealment, which in turn, leads to negative attitudes toward seeking psychological help more than their female counterparts. The results suggested that students high in socially prescribed perfectionism were more likely to engage in self-concealment and be less inclined to seek psychological help.
Recent evidence indicates an elevated risk of suicidal ideation for undergraduate nursing students. This research was designed to enhance the understanding of suicidal ideation in nursing students by investigating the relationships between problem-solving skills, perceived stress, hardiness, and suicidal ideation, with the possibility of hardiness acting as a moderator in the relationships between problem-solving skills appraisal and perceived stress with suicidal ideation. A multi-stage cluster random sample of Malaysian nursing undergraduate students (N = 204) completed self-report questionnaires. The results of structural equation modeling revealed that poor problem-solving skills, greater levels of perceived stress, and low levels of hardiness predicted greater levels of suicidal ideation. Also, hardiness emerged as a moderator in the links between problem-solving skills appraisal and perceived stress with suicidal ideation. The findings incrementally improve our understanding about the importance of hardiness as a moderator in explaining how problem-solving skills and perceived stress affect suicidal ideation. The results of this study are obtained from Malaysian nursing students and possible generalization to other populations should be verified by further studies.
Background: Suicidal ideation and depression are prevalent and costly conditions that reduce quality of life. This study was designed to determine the efficacy of exercise as an adjunct to cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) for suicidal ideation and depression among depressed individuals.
Methods: In a randomized clinical trial, 54 mildly to moderately depressed patients (54% female, mean age=48.25) were assigned to a combined CBT and exercise group or to a CBT only group. Both groups received one weekly session of therapy for 12 weeks, while the combined group also completed exercise three times weekly over the same period. Self-reported suicidal ideation, depression, and activities of daily living were measured at the beginning and the end of treatment.
Results: Multilevel modelling revealed greater improvements in suicidal ideation, depression, and activities of daily living in the combined CBT and exercise group, compared to the CBT only group.
Limitations: No follow-up data were collected, so the long-term effects (i.e., maintenance of gains) is unclear.
Conclusions: The findings revealed that exercise adjunct to CBT effectively decreases both depressive symptoms and suicidal ideation in mildly to moderately depressed individuals.
SMS-lån är ett samhällsproblem där olika aktörer är inblandade. Utifrån treforskningsmetoder; kvantitativ- och kvalitativ undersökning samt innehållsanalys av tidningsartiklarna, har synsättet på fenomenet vidgats. Undersökningspopulationen som består av unga SMS-låntagare mellan 18-25 år, var en väldigt svår grupp att nå. Av allt att döma berodde detta på att de är en utsatt och sårbar grupp med ekonomiska svårigheter. SMS-lånet är ett snabbt och lättillgängligt lån vilket stärker ungdomarnas tendens att agera utifrån begär, som i enlighet med Maslows motivationsteori saknar en kognitiv förbindelse. Variationen var stor mellan respondenterna i fråga om vad pengarna användes till, där en del befann sig i den nedersta delen i behovstrappan för att kunna tillgodose de fysiologiska behoven, medan andra konsumerade över sina tillgångar. Låneföretagens systematiska marknadsföring förenklar för ungdomar att ta ett sådant lån med korta återbetalningstider. De ungdomar som inte betalar tillbaka lånet i tid hamnar i ekonomiska svårigheter, vilket påverkar deras liv för flera år framåt i tiden.
Människan tillbringar en stor del av sitt liv på arbetsplatsen. För att hon skall må bra krävs det att det råder en god arbetsmiljö där en viktig faktor för detta är att hon skall känna en fysisk och känslomässig trygghet på sin arbetsplats. Brandmän är en yrkesgrupp vars arbetsplats ofta är platsen för en olycka eller brand där stora risker kan förekomma. Det har visat sig att ett fungerande socialt samspel inom arbetsgruppen bidrar till att sannolikheten för personsäkerheten ökar. Med utgångspunkt i syftet att studera och förstå brandmännens föreställningar kring hur socialt samspel påverkar deras säkerhet, genomfördes en kvalitativ studie. Deltagarna i studien var sex manliga brandmän mellan åldrarna 28-46 år som har varit yrkesverksamma i 3-15 år. Samtliga har en svensk brandmannautbildning (SMO). Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med hjälp av en intervjuguide. Materialet bearbetades och analyserades genom tematisk analys med hjälp av riskhomeostasteorin och FIRO-teorin. Utifrån den tematiska analysen utkristalliserades fyra temata: (1) Upplevd kontroll leder till upplevd säkerhet (2) Vikten av roller i laget (3) Betydelsen av en öppen kommunikation (4) Tillit till varandra. Resultatet visade på att brandmännen upplevde att de kände sig mest säkra på arbetsplatsen när de hade en upplevd kontroll. Resultatet visade även på att de ansåg att det sociala samspelet var viktigt för säkerheten. De faktorer som var utmärkande inom det sociala samspelet var öppen kommunikation, tydliga roller inom arbetsgruppen och tillit till varandra. Slutsatsen som drogs var att brandmännen upplevde att det sociala samspelet har en påverkan på säkerheten.