To obtain a consensus of different stakeholders’ view and contribute to the development of scienceeducation, a Delphi study was conducted in Sweden during 2012–2013. The purpose of this chapterwas to compare different stakeholders’ view on science education in the first two rounds of the SwedishDelphi study with the current Swedish curriculum (Lgr 11) for the science subjects in grade 7–9 and to see whataspects might need to be developed further in the science curriculum. A total of 212 stakeholders from groupsof scientists, science teachers, science educators and students were invited to provide their ideas concerningscience education in the first round of the Swedish Delphi study. A total of 100 responses from the first roundand 76 from a second round were analyzed and presented in this article. From the results, 75 categorieswere identified in the first round of the Swedish Delphi study while, in the second round, the categories werenarrowed down to 57 according to a mean score above 4. We found that science-technology-society (STS)was an emerging view from the stakeholders’ responses, not only highlighted in our Delphi study, but alsoaddressed in the Swedish curriculum for science subjects in grade 7–9 (Lgr 11). Some aspects revealed in ourDelphi study, were not addressed in the curriculum. Based on our results, we have argued that the PROFILES3–stage model was a suitable way of teaching sciences for grade 7–9, since the aspects analyzed from theresults of the Swedish Delphi study and the Swedish curriculum could be embedded.