Medieval Sermon Studies (MSS) is published annually under the auspices of the International Medieval Sermon Studies Society. This refereed journal features insightful articles on sermon studies and related areas; reviews; sermon transcriptions; and information about work in progress are also included. MSS is an essential resource not only for sermon specialists but also for researchers working in the field of religious culture, history, and literature. It has a world-wide circulation among eminent academics and institutional subscribers.
Editors: Jonathan Adams and Ralf Lützelschwab
Society News
Conference News
Rêves et visions dans le Liber de exemplis et similitudinibus rerum de Jean de San Gimignano; Franco Morenzoni
Girolamo Savonarola’s Critique of Astrology through the De doctrina Aristotelis; Lorenza Tromboni
Robert Rypon and the Creation of London, British Library, MS Harley 4894: A Master Preacher and his Sermon Collection; Holly Johnson
The Elephant In and Out of the Room: Remigio dei Girolami’s Responses to Charles de Valois; Teresa Rupp
The Critical Edition of the Medieval Waldensian Sermons; Andrea Giraudo
Jonathan Adams and Jussi Hanska, eds, The Jewish-Christian Encounter in Medieval Preaching (Cordelia Heß); Nirit Ben-Aryeh Debby, The Cult of St Clare of Assisi in Early Modern Italy (Pietro Delcorno); Pietro Delcorno, Lazzaro e il ricco epulone. Metamorfosi di una parabola fra Quattro e Cinquecento (Jussi Hanska); Jean Longère, Iacobi de Vitriaco sermones vulgares vel ad status. Prologus, I–XXXVI (Marjorie Burghart); Maria Giuseppina Muzzarelli, From Words to Deeds. The Effectiveness of Preaching in the Late Middle Ages (Ralf Lützelschwab); Daniele Solvi, L’agiografia su Bernardino santo (1450–1460) (Pietro Delcorno).
Maney Publishing, 2015. , s. 94